Reading Time: 3 minutes Real life for people right now is not bun on the head messy. It feels like life or death, WTF, dear Jesus help me messy.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes Real life for people right now is not bun on the head messy. It feels like life or death, WTF, dear Jesus help me messy.
Read MoreReading Time: < 1 minute More and more as I coach more glorious-but-stuck women,
I’m noticing that feeling small and unloved
can be mitigated/eased
by setting up simple self-care routines.
Reading Time: 3 minutes So that is to say – if you were good enough right now, could you enjoy what you have more? Could you be less interested in proving your value to others? What do you think you would lose if that were to happen? What does your mind fear it would lose if it let go of needing to be more, have accolades, to have approval?
Read MoreReading Time: 6 minutes I stood in the corner of that locker bay, soft warm tears coursing down my face.
I used the a corner of the tiny towel to dab my eyes and took the deepest breath of my adult life.
Not just any breath.
The kind of bottom-of-your-lungs blasting gulp that I last took as a newborn, freshly emerged and just as naked.
Read MoreReading Time: 4 minutes I’ve learned practices and tools to calm my anxiety and to fill myself up without having to resort to eating – especially when I’m not actually hungry.
As the years have passed some of those ‘addictions’ have naturally fallen away. But…some persist.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes Lately I’ve been revisiting the idea of Living Ageless. I was first introduced to this by one of my favorite teachers and writers, Dr. Christiane Northrup in her book Goddesses Never Age, which I’m currently rereading. I highly recommend it if you haven’t already checked it out. Awesome book!
Northrup’s premise is basically that chronological age doesn’t matter nearly as much as we think it does. What makes us feel ‘old’ is our thoughts and the choices we make on a daily or even to moment-to-moment basis. Her book is basically a deep dive into the wise saying, “You’re only as old as you feel.”
Read MoreReading Time: 6 minutes While it’s vitally important to pay attention to this physical vessel of your body and to nourish it wisely, even more crucial is to tend to your emotional, spiritual and mental bodies. These need a little cleansing and detoxing from time to time as well!
I believe that any cleanse, fast or detox must always include practices that support your mind and spirit as well as your emotional health.
When you give some attention to clearing out the ‘gunk’ in your thoughts, your emotional patterns, while making it a point to nourish and replenish yourself spiritually, mentally and emotionally, it becomes so much easier to care for your body wisely.
It’s also natural for old buried emotions and uncomfortable feelings to rise to the surface when you are doing a detox or cleanse in your body. It’s the ideal time to process this and let it go forever!
Below are five ideas for detoxing the mental, emotional and spiritual.
But—even if you’re not doing any sort of physical detox at the moment, you’ll still receive great benefit if you make regular time in your life for these clearing practices.
Read MoreReading Time: 5 minutes I long ago gave up on the concept of ‘New Year’s Resolutions, but I’m a big fan of harnessing that brand new year energy to set solid intentions, get clear on priorities, and feel some real momentum toward the realization of my dreams and goals.
Turning the calendar page to January 1st can fill us with a surge of energy and the inspiration to really make headway on those changes we’ve been dreaming of. The potential seems infinite!
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes I was talking to a woman this morning about self-love who was legitimately confused about what that actually meant. So, I gave her my standard pep-talk about how love is a verb. When you’re not feeling it sometimes you have to DO it. Treating yourself like someone you love IS self-love.
It was a great talk. I was impressed by it. However, she still gave me a completely blank stare when I was finished.
When you’re paddling against the current just to keep your head above water, self-love or even self-care can feel like training for a marathon you’ll never run.
Read MoreReading Time: 6 minutes Now, true self-care definitely involves a lot more than the occasional—or even frequent—bubble bath. But, if you are lucky enough to have a good bathtub, it’s worth your while to spend some time there.
Baths have many more therapeutic benefits than simply helping you to relax. Stepping into a bath affords an opportunity for some much-needed alone time, it can be almost like a meditation and is certainly a gift to yourself.
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