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Your Friend The Kegel: Natural Solutions For Urinary Incontinence

Reading Time: 6 minutes You’re Not Alone
I decided to write about this to get this thing more out in the open – and to spread the word about some of (relatively) easy fixes for the problem (depending, of course, on the degree of intensity.) It’s been an on and off problem in my own life for years—and got way worse during perimenopause and menopause.

And I’m just like everyone else – usually too embarrassed to discuss it, even with my friends.

That potty training shame goes deep apparently.

Urinary incontinence affects 10-35 percent of all women, with 35 billion American women throwing down cash for pads and treatments. In fact, more menstrual pads are sold for incontinence than for menstruation!

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11 More Tips to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Reading Time: 5 minutes True confession:  Sometimes I forget to take my own advice. But, I always know when I’m getting off the program when I start struggling with too much wakefulness. Granted, there are many factors at play for those of us who find ourselves wide awake in the middle of the night and/or after shutting off the light to snuggle up for sleep.

Hormones, life events, and many other things play a role. In some cases, it’s a good idea to see a medical or mental health professional to get things sorted out. However, the tips and ideas I’m sharing here and in last week’s post can really shift things, no matter what else is going on.

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4 Doable Self-care Hacks That Can Change Your Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes There are lots of reasons it’s important and as vital as it is, most women don’t have a handle on their self-care. Being the self-appointed evangelist of self-care, you’d think I’d nail it consistently. I don’t. I’m on my game most of the time. However, I’m an all or nothing kind of gal. It’s either go big or fail spectacularly with me. So, I confess, there are days, even weeks at a time when my self-care is sucky – you know, the failing spectacularly category.

And because I’m an all or nothing kind of gal, sometimes it’s hard for me to get back into a solid self-care routine because I tend to over-complicate things, especially when I’m stressed. The problem is, I need it most when I’m stressed.

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