One place where everything comes together



Warm Yourself with Autumn Soups—3 Easy Recipes

Reading Time: 5 minutes The act of preparing food to nourish yourself and your loved ones brings a sense of joy and accomplishment – benefits that are difficult to measure, but nonetheless add up.

And, if you’re after saving time, don’t forget the crock pot! If you have one of these versatile kitchen tools, you have a busy soup-maker’s best friend. When I had a family to feed that thing practically lived on my counter during the winter.

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The Stress Response and How to Stop It

Reading Time: 6 minutes When stress hormones are flowing due to Fight or Flight, then the adrenals are not able to produce another body-repairing hormone called DHEA. This is the growth hormone necessary for building new cells and repairing old worn out ones. DHEA declines naturally with age, and if you’re spending the majority of time in Fight or Flight, you can be pretty much assured that those old worn out cells are not getting the optimum repair. And… hello chronic disease and unpleasant symptoms!

So – what the heck can we do about this?
After all, your body in its infinite wisdom has preserved the fight or flight response so that you are able to respond quickly in bona fide emergencies. How can you reduce the frequency of it, and possibly prevent it from taking hold during non-emergency somewhat stressful situations?

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Reading Time: 7 minutes The creation process starts with an idea, a wish, a hope or a dream. That dream needs to become a solid intention. There is a much-loved quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goeth that says “At the moment of commitment the entire universe conspires to assist you.” As wonderful and awe-inspiring as it is to imagine the entire power of the Universe conspiring on our behalf, “commitment” is the key concept here. It is our commitment that triggers the conspiracy of support by the magical powers that be, aka “The Universe”.

We may wish for many things, but this wishing faculty of ours is generally a commitment-phobe. It’s easy to see a beautiful thing, declare that “I wish I had one of those!” and then completely forget about it a few moments later. These fleeting wishful thoughts are not of the powerfully creative variety.

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The Healing Power of the Bath

Reading Time: 6 minutes Now, true self-care definitely involves a lot more than the occasional—or even frequent—bubble bath. But, if you are lucky enough to have a good bathtub, it’s worth your while to spend some time there.

Baths have many more therapeutic benefits than simply helping you to relax. Stepping into a bath affords an opportunity for some much-needed alone time, it can be almost like a meditation and is certainly a gift to yourself.

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Do You Need a Miracle?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you heard the term, “the butterfly effect”? The butterfly effect is the idea that the formation of a hurricane is dependent upon whether or not a butterfly on the other side of the world flapped its wings several weeks earlier. I’ve lived through several hurricanes, and they are BIG powerful events. To think that a hurricane could be triggered by the delicate little flap of a fragile little butterfly wing thousands of miles away seems impossible, even ridiculous. But we know that those little fluttering wings have an effect, known as the butterfly effect.

Big things (miracles) begin very small most of the time.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes What about emotions and feelings that are unrelenting and unable to be resolved by hearing a positive outcome? The sadness of a broken heart, the grief of losing someone we love, the fear of what could happen next?

This is where we find a gift in being able to feel our feelings fully: When we sit with them, when we are able to be curious and non-judgmental about them, when we let them expand, when we give them space to exist, and when we acknowledge them.

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How to Take Care of Yourself When the World is On Fire

Reading Time: 7 minutes Let’s be frank, if self-care could be accomplished with a bubble bath and a good G&T I’d be a whole lot healthier, because that would be a whole lot easier than doing the actual work of taking good care of myself. True self-care takes effort, awareness, and a big dose of grace and kindness.

And I get it, when things feel hard sometimes all we want is for things to feel easier – and sinking down into the couch to binge on Netflix and Cherry Garcia is pretty easy. Indulging eases the pain for a while. But then…

Then we wake up in the morning and hear the latest news. Burn baby burn. Stress at every turn. So, we need to take good care of ourselves because self-care is important when the world is on fire. And right now, it’s getting pretty hot in here.

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If These Hands Could Talk-Natural Treatments for Aging Hands

Reading Time: 6 minutes Although they can seem to just dangle there in the background, the ironic part is, those hands are quite visible and obvious to others. Beauty experts know this of course – and if you’ve been caring for your hands diligently all this time, you may not even need to read this. (Unless you’re interested in some DIY, natural treatments for those long-suffering digits.)

It might seem vain to be focusing on a topic like beauty care for the hands, but I’ve come to understand that taking care of my body is much more than trying to look good in order to garner the approval of others. It is a profound statement of self-love.

Not just in the rote way of, ‘sure I practice self-care because I get manicures and massages’—but in a much deeper way.

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Why You Have To Be The Person You Want To Attract

Reading Time: 2 minutes The question to ask yourself is this, “Am I the kind of person who my dream man or woman would fall in love with, for real?”

Trust me on this, no matter where you’re at, you can and might attract someone into your life. Everyone wants to be loved by someone. However, if you aren’t the person the future love of your life would fall for, right now, should you really be dating until you are?

Probably not.

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4 Tips for Tiny Changes that Create Big Shifts When Everything Seems to Suck

Reading Time: 5 minutes When we’re in the dumps the big changes are very seductive. It can be easy to think it’s time for massive shifts and big upgrades. 

However, that’s not the way the system really works. Big changes are hard to make and they are even harder to sustain. Big changes often don’t include the kind of incremental upgrades that really create a life transformed. Big changes look really bright and shiny, but they often set us up to fail. So while I’ve been that girl that wanted to wake up tomorrow all different than I am today, I’ve learned from experience, that baby stepping it up to feeling better is a much more effective way to go. 

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