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Your Cold and Flu Arsenal #3: Fight it Off or Get Rid of it Fast!

Reading Time: 5 minutes If a cold or flu virus is getting you down this winter, this series of tips is for you!

There are plenty of natural remedies—and lifestyle modifications—that will help you beat a cold that’s trying to get you before it takes hold. And if you stay on top of things even before you start feeling those symptoms, you’re much more likely to get through cold and flu season feeling healthy and energized…. even when you’re surrounded by people who are snuffling and sneezing into their hankies!

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Your Cold and Flu Arsenal: Three More Tips for Fending Off the Cold and Flu

Reading Time: 5 minutes There’s nothing like a nasty cold – or worse the flu – to derail your plans for a week (or more) and make life miserable.

However, I’m definitely not a fan of disrupting my natural immunity with a flu shot. Unless you have serious health issues, you are much better off using herbs, foods and simple lifestyle adjustments to nip an incipient cold or flu in the bud, before it can even grab hold.

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Your Cold and Flu Arsenal: 3 Tips to Stay Well During Cold Season

Reading Time: 5 minutes The common cold (and its evil cousin, the respiratory flu) seem to be just facts of life for many of us. And, now that those of us north of the equator are deep into the winter season, it can seem like we’re surrounded by sniffles.

Unless you’re holed up on a mountain top you can’t escape the cacophony of coughs and sneezes that abound in public spaces, and it’s all made worse in cold climates where that space is firmly sealed up against the bitter temperatures.

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6 Tips for Resisting the Urge to Overeat at Holiday Feasts

Reading Time: 4 minutes Don’t get me wrong – I’m the last person to recommend trying to stick to some strict diet on Thanksgiving. I think that (barring severe allergies or food sensitivities) that there are times when we can have ‘legal cheats’ from whatever eating program we might be following. And certainly a holiday spent with loved ones and centered around food is one of them!

What I AM talking about is staying tuned into your own body. It is an act of self-love to listen to your body’s signals. That overstuffed feeling just doesn’t really feel good! And, remember, only you know your own body. While one person might feel full consuming half as much food as you can comfortably eat, for another it might take twice as much to get them to satiation.

Here are a few tips to help you get tuned into YOUR signals and to stay connected to your intentions and to your own feel-good when it comes time for the big feast.

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A Morning Ritual Can Change Your Life

Reading Time: 7 minutes A ritual is different than a routine. While both are important, a ritual is more of a celebration and a devotion. An acknowledgment of your own connection to the sacred and to that great well of creativity that we all spring from. Rituals can be practiced in groups as well as solo, but generally, your morning ritual is a practice just for you.

Now I know what you might be thinking. Are you kidding? How can I add one more thing into my already packed day?

And yes, I hear where you’re coming from. I have so been there. I’m just asking you to suspend your judgment and disbelief a few minutes and hear me out.

There’s no better time than right now to create a ritual to start your own day with intention. In this age of smart phones, and more upsetting news flashes coming in fast and furious, it’s easier than ever for your day to get completely thrown off.

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Relief from Stress Might be Literally at Your Fingertips!

Reading Time: 3 minutes EFT Tapping reduces the stress hormones in your body that your amygdala has so helpfully told your body to produce. And it does a lot more than that! Studies have shown tapping to be effective in reducing physical pain, ending food cravings, losing weight, healing addictions, ending phobias and much more.

It’s true that it’s best to work with a trained EFT practitioner to gain lasting results for more serious and deep-rooted situations like these, but the good news is that anyone can learn to tap on themselves for basic in-the-moment relief from stress and anxiety.

If you’d like to learn how to tap for yourself, I take you through the points and a tapping sequence in this video.  And learn more about EFT right here.

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Why You Probably Need More Magnesium Than You’re Getting

Reading Time: 6 minutes I knew that I was getting SOME magnesium already because I eat well and I take a high-quality multivitamin that includes it, but once I started learning more about how much we women need this vital mineral, I began upping my dosage significantly.

You might have heard the argument that we should be getting nutrients and minerals like magnesium through foods rather than supplements. And although I’m a huge proponent of eating wholesome and natural foods high in vitamins and minerals,  I don’t believe that we get enough through our food.

First of all, it’s a sad truth that even freshly grown veggies don’t carry the magnesium and other nutrients in the quantities they once did, due to farming practices which have deleted the soil of minerals. And, secondly, living in today’s world with all of its external and internal stressors (hello pollution, hormone disruptors, and a culture of overwork!), our nutrients become depleted far more rapidly than in previous times.

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