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We will not be silenced

Reading Time: < 1 minute One of the Democratic lawmakers criticized by President Trump’s racist attacks in recent days called the President’s remarks a “disruptive distraction” and said that she would encourage the American people “to not take the bait.”

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Huffpo: Far-Right Extremists Wanted Blood In Portland’s Streets. Once Again, They Got It.

Reading Time: 5 minutes Each of these storylines is a distraction from the wider issue of ongoing, extremist-hosted fights meant to distort the conversation about the rising body count in the name of the American far right and shift the focus onto the anti-fascists who meet them in the street. Since Trump’s election and the rise of extremist groups like the Proud Boys, the number of people killed by anti-fascists at these rallies remains zero.

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Brightest: 3 Ways You Can Help Stop ICE’s Detention of Immigrant Families and Kids

Reading Time: 5 minutes Thousands of immigrant families have been swept up, separated and had members detained in ICE raids – many of them long-standing U.S. residents with no criminal record. Dozens of detainees have died or been assaulted while in custody. And federal authorities are even unable to locate 1,475 children who should have been responsibly placed in foster or protective care.

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