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Some people are going to fight the fight in different ways. Not everyone’s going to agree with my path. I’m sticking to empathy

Reading Time: 5 minutes There is a lot of the really god-awful to fight. Persistent oppression and white supremacy need strong words and tough, real action. We have a growing oligarchy and an eroding democracy. The damage path spreads by the hour.

My point is that we all have to find our own way to fight. We all have to find our own resonance. Our own voice

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Huffpo: Boris Johnson and Donald Trump Are Peak White Male Privilege

Reading Time: 5 minutes Expectations are so low in Johnson’s case that, when he was mayor of London, people were “pleasantly surprised” when the city didn’t crumble under his leadership, according to the Times. It’s like when Trump reads a speech off the teleprompter and is hailed for being presidential.

Still, Johnson and Trump are extreme examples of what male privilege lets guys get away with, Lawless said.

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