I’m reinventing myself as a brave, opinionated person.
Reading Time: 3 minutes I’m reinventing myself as a brave, opinionated person.
So, of course, my wardrobe has to change.
Reading Time: 3 minutes I’m reinventing myself as a brave, opinionated person.
So, of course, my wardrobe has to change.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes This is much easier to write about than to practice – I fully admit that. I’ve lost whole days to being absorbed by whether or not I possibly offended someone. Yet, I am a very bland incarnation of myself when I care so much, so I will choose to push on and maybe I can drop a fuck or two every day until this whole thing becomes a little less painful, a little less excruciating, and maybe in the best way, a little less safe.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes When things are happening to you, and you don’t like it, chances are pretty high it’s because you put things in neutral and hoped you could stay under your own radar.
Basically, you get a choice. When things aren’t working, when we’ve grown out of the space we’re in, when change is on the horizon or the very next exit, either you do the change, or the change will do you. The latter of those two options usually sucks more. Choosing your change is always a better option.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes We are sold a bill of goods that says that an Amazing Human Experience is all about getting everything we desire. We have dreams and those dreams are meant to come true.
And if we don’t have everything…if we haven’t manifested it…we are doing something wrong.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Spirituality is not an ATM machine, there is no quid pro quo of, “Do this, so that you can be rewarded with that.”
If we take a dispassionate stance and observe the world around us, it becomes clear that some of us are successful, others will not be.
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