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personal development


How To Be Your Own Religion

Reading Time: 4 minutes Ditch your gurus.
Put down your books.
Erase all the programs you paid for but never used that are taking up space on the harddrive of your computer.
Release yourself from the influence of anyone who tells you they have a secret.
Allow yourself to listen for the whisperings of the wisdom of the Gods who birthed you as they blow through your soul in a secret language only you know.

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A definitive guide to giving a sh*t

Reading Time: 4 minutes Say you’re worried that someone thinks something about you that makes you uncomfortable. Instead of trying to run away from your anxiety, instead, ask what is this situation telling me? And what it’s telling you is that this person’s opinion of you matters to you. But why does it matter? It matters because you want to be liked and accepted. Why do you want to be accepted? Because it feels scary not to be. Will you be ok, even if someone doesn’t like you? What if it is about them and not you? From there, after you’ve answered your own questions and realized why the opinion matters so much, then you can decide maybe you don’t want to care. Maybe if they like you, you still won’t be safe.

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One Surprising Technique to Slow the Aging Process

Reading Time: 4 minutes Frequent dwelling on the past—even on positive memories—can actually accelerate the aging process!

Now, when I say ‘positive memories,’ I’m not talking about occasionally sharing some nostalgia with loved ones while viewing photos of a treasured vacation. I mean a regular and excessive habit of looking back on times when it seemed like things were better than they are now.

Yep—accelerates the aging process.

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What if You Could Change Your Past?

Reading Time: 4 minutes It might sound like a science fiction movie, but we all know the gap between science fiction and reality is getting smaller and smaller. We also know that each of us experiences the world a little differently, and those differences are based on perceptual filters in our brains.

Those filters are created in many ways—including environment and culture. But one of the most profound ways that the perceptual filters are developed is through childhood programming. Our parents, our teachers, and our childhood experiences create beliefs about what is possible for us, and these take root in our subconscious mind.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes Nearly a hundred years ago, Ivy Lee, considered the father of modern public relations and time management, was doing some work for Charles Schwab, the head of Bethlehem Steel. Schwab wanted to make his managers more effective and help them better utilize their time.

Schwab agreed to try Ivy Lee’s ‘system’ for 90 days and then send Lee a check for what he thought the idea was worth.

Lee advised Schwab to have his managers list their top 6 priorities for the next day. Number them 1 to 6 according to how important the task was. On the next day, take the task in the priority order. Not proceeding until a task was completed. Any task not completed was put on the list for the following day. At the end of the 90 day period, Schwab sent Lee a check for $25,000.

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How You Feel About Yourself Is Contagious

Reading Time: 4 minutes It doesn’t come naturally for a woman to love herself in our society. In fact, things are set up quite the opposite. A lot of huge, money-making corporations in the world that control most of what you see out there every day, bank of the fact that you will feel unworthy.

This is a bold statement, but I’ll say it anyway. If you don’t have the skills to truly love yourself, you might not have much business in a relationship. You are dangerous to yourself and others until you heal. A relationship won’t fix you. Only you can do that.

This story was shared with permission and the names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved.

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