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news for women


Mother Wisdom from Alice Walker

Reading Time: 2 minutes We cannot heal any of -isms we are all fussing about – racism, sexism, nationalism, classism, and all the blah, blahs, until we ALL look at our shadow sides. For those that chose not to look at their shadow side, those of us that do look at it, make a way for them to look at theirs. Looking at your shadow side is medicinal and it heals, not just your soul, but also our collective soul.

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Secret Strategies to Look and Feel Younger

Reading Time: 6 minutes People constantly mistake me for someone much younger than 56, and remark on my youthful appearance.  And it happens even more frequently since making some needed life changes, basically reinventing myself, in my early 50s.

So – what are these secret strategies?

Well, most of them have nothing to do with creams and potions and special vitamins, or even super foods, special exercise programs or any other conventional ‘Anti-Aging’ wisdom. In fact, inspired by Dr. Christiane Northrup, I’m trying to ditch the term ‘anti-aging’ completely – in favor of Ageless.

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The Wonderful Hidden Value of Guilt

Reading Time: 3 minutes Guilt only serves one purpose, and no, it isn’t to hound you and make you feel like crap until you finally give in and do what you think you should do.
Truly the one useful purpose that we can find in those feelings of guilt is that they can show us our own personal value system.  And once we see what it is that we truly value we can usually find a way to honor that value without compromising our boundaries, our self-esteem, our decisions, and our freedom.
The first step to ending the feeling of guilt, or maybe I should say transforming the feeling of guilt is to ask yourself WHY you’re feeling guilty. What value is attached to your ideas about the situation?

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My boyfriend likes to go to strip clubs. I don’t want to make it a big deal but I feel threatened and insecure about it.

Reading Time: 2 minutes I am a fan of talking to my partner when I feel insecure about something. In order to do that, ask yourself objective questions. What is it that bothers you? Are you afraid that he will like the other women’s bodies more than yours? Does he have a spending problem? Do you feel uncomfortable with your sexuality? These are big questions, but they can lead to self-discovery.  

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Reading Time: 3 minutes If you know one thing about wedding gown history, I would wager that it has something to do with Queen Victoria beginning the bridal fashion of wearing white. (And now, thanks to her, it has been a tradition of sorts for over 175 years.) But I would also wager that most people don’t know the real reason the 20-year-old monarch chose the color white for her wedding gown, breaking the precedent set by earlier princess brides who considered it their right to be “dressed in the usual cloths of silver or gold.” Victoria even chose a crown of fanciful, yet wax orange blossoms instead of one of her dazzling diamond diadems.

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