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news for women


11 More Tips to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Reading Time: 5 minutes True confession:  Sometimes I forget to take my own advice. But, I always know when I’m getting off the program when I start struggling with too much wakefulness. Granted, there are many factors at play for those of us who find ourselves wide awake in the middle of the night and/or after shutting off the light to snuggle up for sleep.

Hormones, life events, and many other things play a role. In some cases, it’s a good idea to see a medical or mental health professional to get things sorted out. However, the tips and ideas I’m sharing here and in last week’s post can really shift things, no matter what else is going on.

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Are You Bored With Your Marriage?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Don’t put your happiness or your satisfaction on hold waiting for someone else to change. Don’t make your spouse responsible for your passion. Don’t let your love get stale, or altogether rotten while you’re too disconnected to do anything about it. Doing something, anything, do everything you can. Why? Because trust me, it’s easier than divorce. Breaking up is very, hard to do. Harder than you probably think it would be.

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Make No Mistake, Russia is Behind the Shift In Our North Korea Policy

Reading Time: 4 minutes Russia has been one of North Korea’s very few allies since the Cold War. Maybe it’s because of that tiny shared border. Maybe it’s because they share similar totalitarian political viewpoints.

Almost everyone concedes nothing was gained for the U.S. in this sham of a summit. While some believe it was a run-up of political theater intended to distract from other issues that threaten Trump’s Presidency, there might be a more ominous answer to the why question.

The military isn’t jumping at the words of our Commander in Chief. While they have their own logic for putting the breaks on, I’m left wondering who our Commander in Chief is. Who does Trump take direction or even orders from? We know he’s not taking direction, input, or guidance from our international allies who’ve been in this game with us for a long time. We know he’s flying in the face of long-held U.S. foreign policy under both Democrat and Republican administrations.

We also know that Russia wanted the U.S. to stand down regarding North Korea and has wanted that for a very long time.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes Personal power doesn’t show up as power “over” other people, it shows up as power “with” other people.

And here is the best thing about personal power — it is not attached to a title, or a thing (like financial prosperity, a big salary, or a promotion), so once you’ve developed your own sense of personal power you won’t lose it because it didn’t come with the job or the title or a big financial windfall.

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