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Breaking: Trump to Sign Executive Order Ending Family Separations at Border

Reading Time: < 1 minute President Donald Trump said he plans to sign an executive action on Wednesday that would end the administration’s policy of separating migrant families crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. This is contrary to his previous position that only Congress could fix the problem, thus functionally an end to extorting Congress for wall funding with the lives of children. 

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Prison, Justice, and Abuse by Power

Reading Time: 5 minutes What came to my mind was a definition I read earlier this week by Ijeoma Oluo in “So You Want to Talk About Race.” She says how we are unable to talk about race in this country. She says one definition is: “Any prejudice against someone because of their race. Or any prejudice against someone because of their race, when those views are reinforced by systems of power” (pg. 26.) This second definition is how I define racism and how I invite you to define it as well.

My friend was a black immigrant and the judge represented the system of power. The disdain the judge had for this person was palpable in the courtroom. You may say that the judge’s disdain had nothing to do with race. Maybe not. But I know that the punishment did not fit the crime.

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Getting Bullies to Change

Reading Time: 3 minutes As I tell kids, having a civil conversation with someone who’s trying to dominate you is a smart idea. Keep in mind you’ll have to be the one who initiates the conversation and you’ll also have to be the one who keeps it civil. So, before you actually have the conversation, practice it in your mind a few times until you’re comfortable with it and feel really good about having it.

Taking this step will do wonders for anyone who’s confidence has been shaken by a power-hungry aggressor because initiating the talk and taking the lead in the conversation is breaking the old pattern and starting a new one… where the aggressor is not in charge.

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A Get Real Q&A About Immigration

Reading Time: 4 minutes There is no process for due entry. At this point, immigrants and asylum seekers are being told if they enter the border at legal entry points they will not be separated from their families, (read we won’t steal your children). However, those entry points are closed. They arrive at the legal entry points and are turned away. This is a direct violation of international law, but Trump’s current policy has closed the Southern borders to asylum seekers.

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