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news for women


Learning to Bridge Human Differences Lesson 4: Lesson on Privilege

Reading Time: 8 minutes Two people decide to go cycling. They decide to cycle for the same distance but take different routes. One takes a route that is a bit bumpy but pretty much downhill. It is hot, but the path is a little shady. For this person, the path was challenging and was definitely a vigorous workout, but this person feels good for meeting the challenge of the workout. When the two people meet up, the other person says that the ride was awful for her. Her path was also bumpy but the road she took was at an incline the entire time. She was even more sunburnt than the first person because she had no sunscreen. At one point, a strong gust of wind blew her over and she hurt her foot. She ran out of water halfway through. When she hears about the first person’s route, she remarks that her own experience seemed so much more difficult. Yet it was the same distance, and both rode their bikes. This is what privilege looks like.

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The One Thing We Should Not Be Teaching Girls About Sex

Reading Time: 3 minutes The dialog needs to change. Girls need to be taught self-respect and self-love early, and so do boys. Girls need to understand sex isn’t something you give away, it’s something you share and experience. There is a lot of talk right now about teaching boys about consent and boundaries, and that’s way past due. However, there needs to be a conversation about teaching girls that sex isn’t a prize to give away in exchange for something, like love and that love comes from inside first and when it does you don’t feel so desperate to get it somewhere else.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes What about emotions and feelings that are unrelenting and unable to be resolved by hearing a positive outcome? The sadness of a broken heart, the grief of losing someone we love, the fear of what could happen next?

This is where we find a gift in being able to feel our feelings fully: When we sit with them, when we are able to be curious and non-judgmental about them, when we let them expand, when we give them space to exist, and when we acknowledge them.

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What’s Wrong with Having a Good Relationship With Russia? – Confluence Daily

Reading Time: 4 minutes The company a person keeps will tell you a lot about that person. Same goes for countries. That concept is what diplomacy is built on. As a nation, you ally yourself with other countries that share your values and vision for the future.

In theory, there would be nothing wrong with having a stronger relationship with Russia. The problem with that theory is Vladimir Putin.

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What a Hot Yoga Class Can Teach You About Business, Life and Touching Your Eyebrow With Your Foot

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you constantly pull back from the edge,
you’ll never find out what you’re capable of.
How often does this happen in life?

We feel the awkwardness of doing something different, the discomfort of a new diet/workout schedule/business commitment, and we pull back.

We find an excuse to retreat to ‘normal’.

We never find out how far we can go.

The best way to lean into your edge is first to be aware that it’s there.

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