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Make Summer Sweeter With Cherries

Reading Time: 2 minutes Summer and cherries seem to go hand-in-hand, and using fresh fruits can help boost seasonal food and drink recipes.

Whether you use them as a snack, as a special ingredient in recipes or to inspire new dishes, Northwest-grown sweet cherries are one delightful way to celebrate the summer season.

Many grocery store shelves are full of these sweet, seasonal treats. Ripened on the tree and generally harvested, packed and ready for sale within just one day, it can be difficult to find a fresher summer fruit.

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You Decide: Understanding Obstruction of Justice

Reading Time: 4 minutes Our forefathers framed the Constitution around one simple belief. A President would not be allowed to abuse his power. These people were trying to build something that wouldn’t devolve into tyrannical abuses of kings and queens. They had some experience there. They knew what they wanted to avoid. The power handed to a president is a sacred trust, and if abused should be revoked. If you want to know what the founders had in mind, read the Declaration of Independence, which formed the essential backdrop for the constitutional debates.

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Do You Need a Miracle?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you heard the term, “the butterfly effect”? The butterfly effect is the idea that the formation of a hurricane is dependent upon whether or not a butterfly on the other side of the world flapped its wings several weeks earlier. I’ve lived through several hurricanes, and they are BIG powerful events. To think that a hurricane could be triggered by the delicate little flap of a fragile little butterfly wing thousands of miles away seems impossible, even ridiculous. But we know that those little fluttering wings have an effect, known as the butterfly effect.

Big things (miracles) begin very small most of the time.

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Senate Rejects Additional Funding for Election Security Ignoring Intel Warnings

Reading Time: 2 minutes “The American people should be very worried about the commitment of this president and his Republican allies in Congress to securing our elections,” Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) said. “This is a party that has worked with this administration to undermine and minimize the investigation surrounding Russian interference in our presidential election.”

House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) fired back by calling Democratic opposition a “shrewd political shenanigan that has no merit to it,” the Post reported.

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5 Steps Towards Enlightenment When Love and Light Aren’t Cutting It

Reading Time: 4 minutes Seriously, very few things are actually worth giving a shit about. 
I know it seems like very-single-thing is code red, but trust me it’s not. Your life is probably not really on fire, so you can stop running around acting like you’re putting one out. 

Are you breathing? 
Are you currently NOT being chased by a bear?
If you answered yes to those two questions, everything is really ok right now. 

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Fake Videos of Real People and How to Spot Them

Reading Time: < 1 minute Do you think you’re good at spotting fake videos, where famous people say things they’ve never said in real life? See how they’re made in this astonishing talk and tech demo. Computer scientist Supasorn Suwajanakorn shows how, as a grad student, he used AI and 3D modeling to create photorealistic fake videos of people synced to audio. Learn more about both the ethical implications and the creative possibilities of this tech — and the steps being taken to fight against its misuse.

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The Power of Choice

Reading Time: 5 minutes It wasn’t until a recent serious illness and a diagnosis of having a chronic autoimmune disease that I finally woke up and understood that I was living my life on auto-pilot. I finally realized that I had been subconsciously choosing to use assumptions based on past experiences and tolerations, to build my current and future life on. I realized that I had the ability to use intelligent and thoughtful choices, powerful manifesting techniques, and my intuition to guide my life.

I finally understood. Everything I had done, everything I had tolerated all these years had been the result of choices I had made that were based on incredibly bad assumptions that I had believed as truths.

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