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news for women


THE NEW ROYAL MARRIAGE: William & Kate, Harry & Meghan

Reading Time: 5 minutes It was Princess Diana’s tenacity and spirit that carved out a way for William to be king and have a marriage based on love and equality; and, in her demonstrative acts of unconditional love, gave Harry, younger at her death and maybe more vulnerable, the resilience to mend his broken heart and find a strong partner who matches his devotion and compassion. And Prince Charles played his part as he tenderly protected and guided his sons after Diana’s death; then, years later, boldly challenged the old monarchic code and, with William and Harry’s full-hearted support, married the woman he had long loved.

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Essential Health Tips for Women Over 40 and Beyond

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you are a woman over 40 and beyond, you’re most likely thinking “What’s the best workout for me?” or “What should I avoid in my workout regimen?” Of course, we know that we need to adjust our workout routine over time as the needs of our body change and evolve but what are the do’s and don’ts? 

These are the questions I frequently get to ask. Today, my friend Tammy Stokes, Celebrity Wellness Expert and owner of West Coast Workout and Café West Express in Atlanta joins me in Kwavi TV to help shed light on this topic. Watch the video and find out what women over 40 should focus on in terms of their workout program. Watch it until the end because we save the best for last!

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Melania Trump: Living in the People’s House with the Racist-in-Chief

Reading Time: 4 minutes Melania Trump defied her husband publicly by coming down on the right side of that issue then and she did again regarding Lebron. Out of all the paint-peeling bullshit Donald Trump routinely spews on Twitter Melania picked two issues to speak out on and they both had to do with race.

Everyone has biases. A lot of people are racist. However, there is a difference between being a garden variety racist and a white supremacist. Donald Trump is the latter. His Alt-right rhetoric leaves little to the imagination when it comes to the black, brown, and white of the President and our nation. We know where he stands.

What’s less clear is where she stands. When a First Lady’s job is to support her husband, Melania Trump is the most independent First Lady this nation has ever had. Especially when it comes to issues of race and racism, Melania Trump does not fall into lock-step with the Racist in Chief.

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DIY Home Safety and Security Measures for Domestic Violence Survivors

Reading Time: 3 minutes One way to recover from domestic violence is to restore a sense of security. For many, that includes making modifications around the house for safety. Today’s home security systems are far more advanced, and homeowners can now choose from a wide range of security options, such as around-the-clock monitoring and video surveillance. The average cost runs around $739 for an alarm system installation, with many jobs falling in the $600 to $850 range.

While not everyone can afford a high-end security system, it is possible to reclaim one’s sense of safety within a budget. There are other low-cost modifications one can make themselves to help secure the home. Try the following DIY projects to start reclaiming your sense of safety.

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How to Have a Healthier, Positive Relationship to Sex

Reading Time: < 1 minute From our fear of women’s bodies to our sheepishness around the word “nipple,” our ideas about sex need an upgrade, say sex educators (and hilarious women) Tiffany Kagure Mugo and Siphumeze Khundayi. For a radical new take on sex positivity, the duo take the TED stage to suggest we look to Africa for erotic wisdom both ancient and modern, showing us how we can shake off problematic ideas about sex we’ve internalized and re-define pleasure on our own terms. (This talk contains mature content.)

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How You Feel About Yourself Is Contagious

Reading Time: 4 minutes It doesn’t come naturally for a woman to love herself in our society. In fact, things are set up quite the opposite. A lot of huge, money-making corporations in the world that control most of what you see out there every day, bank of the fact that you will feel unworthy.

This is a bold statement, but I’ll say it anyway. If you don’t have the skills to truly love yourself, you might not have much business in a relationship. You are dangerous to yourself and others until you heal. A relationship won’t fix you. Only you can do that.

This story was shared with permission and the names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved.

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