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Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’re going to embrace the concept of Karma and Karmic Law, then you’ll have to be willing to understand that it plays out over lifetimes, over decades and even millennium. And every karmic debt gets paid, including yours and mine. We might not know exactly what incurred the debt, but it seems unwise to respond with an energy that will create more of the same.

Instead, why not focus on creating good Karma, the kind that heals the world. The word Karma literally means “action” and it refers to action driven by intention. And as Debasish Mridha so eloquently put it, “A glint of intention initiates the process of creation.”

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3 Totally Unorthodox Ways to Win at Life

Reading Time: 5 minutes Unfortunately, life doesn’t come with a manual, and yet we’re all playing by a set of rules we are programmed with. A lot of the time we aren’t even fully aware of the programming that shapes almost all of our choices, behaviors, and experiences.

We learn most of the rules we live by early in childhood. We accept those things as if they are true whether they are or aren’t. Most of the time we don’t question whether or not they’re even effective.

Because we can rarely see our programming, we spend all of our time playing the same game by the same rules. Doing the same thing over and over again will naturally produce the same result.

If you want different results in your life, you might want to change the game and the rules. The good news is you can. It’s your life. You get to do it however you’d like.

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Ingredients Matter

Reading Time: 2 minutes When it comes to making tasty meals for your family, you probably know that ingredients matter. From vitamins and nutrients to sugar and acidity, it’s important to know what you’re using in your recipes at every meal and how each ingredient can impact all parts of the body.

To help understand how ingredients matter and how quality ingredients can keep your body healthy, consider these tips from a registered dietitian, celebrity nutritionist and healthy cooking expert Keri Glassman, MS, RDN.

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Paul Manafort: The International Man of Mystery is Not Stressed and We All Know Why

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’re wondering why Manafort’s defense team just sat there and took a proverbial knee when it was their turn you’ve got to ask yourself one central question.

Why are we even here?
Why did Paul Manafort decide to put his neck in the gallows when almost everyone around him cut deals with the special prosecutor?
Why would a man who’s so clearly fucking guilty sign up to go to jail when he didn’t have to?

Because even though Paul Manafort is so clearly guilty he will not do hard prison time and we all know it.

Trump will pardon him and by doing so he will set a precedent that if you’re willing to stand in the fire publicly at trial, Trump will put that fire out before you’re completely toasted.

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Am I Doing Orgasms Wrong?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Plenty of articles will tell you that women (and all people) experience orgasm differently; some people cry after or feel conflicted during – sensations of sexual pleasure can bring up feelings around shame or trauma relating to sexuality. Ask yourself if you have any negative experiences in your personal sexual history that might be making you feel odd about experiencing orgasm or genital pleasure.

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Everything You Need to Know About that Asshole You Should Avoid

Reading Time: 5 minutes I recently talked to a woman who’d been emotionally and psychologically abused by her fiance for almost two years. It was bad. Everyone could see it but her. She told me that after her best friend’s roommate pointed out to her that he was a classic malignant narcissist she knew she needed to end it. She looked it up online. She read all the “symptoms” and sure enough, it fit him to a tee. So, she was finally done. He’s crazy. 

The roommate is a barista. While the observant barista might have been right, those kinds of diagnosis are very complicated and it’s not easy to get right. Even more so, it’s sad that so often we need an excuse to leave a relationship that’s not working. 

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