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news for women


President Petty: White House Brings Flag Back to Full-Staff Less Than 48 Hours After John McCain’s Death

Reading Time: 3 minutes The man is dead. The flag being at half-staff until his burial hurts no one. It’s a symbolic gesture of respect and the president of people who openly enjoy NASCAR couldn’t even allow for the symbolic gesture of leaving the flag at half-staff live past two days. There are those African Americans who are completely conflicted about John McCain’s legacy (I’m one of them), but I guarantee you none of us are petty enough to raise the damn flag before his burial. Surely, this is retaliation against McCain, who reportedly didn’t want the president to attend his funeral.

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Lisa Feldman: You Aren’t at the Mercy of Your Emotions – Your Brain Creates Them

Reading Time: < 1 minute Can you look at someone’s face and know what they’re feeling? Does everyone experience happiness, sadness and anxiety the same way? What are emotions anyway? For the past 25 years, psychology professor Lisa Feldman Barrett has mapped facial expressions, scanned brains and analyzed hundreds of physiology studies to understand what emotions really are. She shares the results of her exhaustive research — and explains how we may have more control over our emotions than we think.

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How to Find the Right Preschool

Reading Time: 2 minutes Finding the right preschool or care provider for your child doesn’t have to be a daunting process. Because your child’s early years are crucial in his or her development, choosing the right child care facility is one of the most important decisions you can make to prepare him or her for both school and adult life.

While most parents start the process by asking friends and family for recommendations, keep these tips from the child care experts at KinderCare in mind when searching for a child care center:

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Five Ways to Fix Your Heartbreak

Reading Time: 4 minutes We have all experienced heartbreak. Most of the time, most of us get over it. However, when the pain doesn’t subside after a few weeks, maybe not disappear completely, but subside, it might be time to get help. When Ann Marie called we discussed an immediate game plan. Below are the top five extreme ways to stop heartbreak.

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LIKEABILITY OF WOMEN: The Suffragettes, Hillary Clinton, and the Age of Aquarius Can’t Get Here Fast Enough!

Reading Time: 8 minutes Hillary Clinton and her directness in those First Lady days were a bit unsettling for me as well; nonetheless, the backlash felt unfair—in a double-standard sort of way—and whether I “liked” her or not wasn’t the point. I defended a woman’s rightful place to be smart and determined and capable and a leader! And yes, she, and many other women making their way in business or politics would be called “pushy” and “hard to work with” or much worse—as we saw and heard years later during the run-up to the 2016 election. “Brace yourself,” Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton’s director of communications during her presidential run, wrote in Dear Madam President, “nothing draws fire like a woman moving forward.”

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Reading Time: 4 minutes If we need more money we might pray and ask God or Jesus to provide what we need. We might ask “The Universe” for financial help. Maybe we make offerings to Jupiter, or Lakshmi, Ganesha, or the Black Madonnas, or Papa Legba – or a myriad of other deities/entities/energies asking for their help in these weighty matters of money.

But this, to me, sounds like something that happens in relationships that aren’t so healthy. It’s called “triangulation” and it happens when we don’t have a direct connection to someone and we use an intermediary to do that relating and connecting for us. Remember in 7th grade when your friend had a crush on that other friend and wanted you to tell them since you knew them better?

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