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news for women


Contractor Steals a Family’s Dreams of Home Ownership but You Can Help

Reading Time: 2 minutes This local contractor stole $25,000.00 from us leaving us with a total loss of $36,000.00. That is $25k to the contractor, $7k in closing cost, $3k of interest on the construction loan for over a year, and $1k for insurance on the vacant lot. We contacted several attorneys, reach out to the state and county for assistance and was not able to reach any resolution in recovering close to $40k we lose.

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My Partner Wants Me To Be More Vocal In Bed. As a Woman Who Usually Talks A Lot I’m Surprised this Makes me Uncomfortable.

Reading Time: 2 minutes  It doesn’t sound silly at all – even experienced sex workers sometimes feel awkward when vocalizing sexy-speak that’s been requested from men.  Partner sex shouldn’t always feel awkward, but new things or kinky requests can be stomach-turning if you aren’t sure how to address them. It’s up to you to determine if you’d like to dabble in dirty talk for your partner’s pleasure, because it’s healthy to make efforts for your partner, as long as it doesn’t cause you serious discomfort. I appreciate him asking for what he likes, now it’s your opportunity to be advantageous

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The MidLife Health and Wellness Summit

Reading Time: < 1 minute Midlife Lifestyle Coach Kwavi is hosting a Midlife summit to help Midlifers feel more empowered and become advocates for their health and wellness. She has invited me and 25 other experts to speak at this summit and cover topics like health, nutrition, sex, career, mindset, menopause, cosmetics, parenting and other issues that affect the Midlife woman.

You don’t want to miss this FREE Online Health and Wellness Summit created for Midlifers, those about to go into Midlife and Smart Millennials that want to be prepared for this next phase.

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This is the Single Most Important Commitment You Can Make

Reading Time: 5 minutes The measure of our commitment to our self is written all around us in our experience.

Are we taking the time to make sure our needs are met?

Do we spend time getting to know what those needs are?

Do we nurture our souls and recognize the things that bring us joy, peace, happiness?

Do we make the effort to contribute, to reach out and connect with others to find like minds, trusting companions and collaborators?

All these things are evidence of a committed relationship – with yourself. When your needs are met you experience wholeness. There is a saying that “two halves make a whole” – mathematically this may be true, but two people each experiencing wholeness are what makes a healthy couple, one that’s worth the commitment.

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Female Chief Terminates 850 Child Marriages in Malawi and Sends Girls Back to School

Reading Time: 2 minutes A Malawian female chief has established a new law to prevent child marriage in Malawi and has terminated approximately 850 child marriages across the country to date.

Theresa Kachindamoto, a senior chief in the Dedza district of Malawi, claimed that her decision to take a stand came from her frustration over seeing 12-year-old girls walking around with babies on their hips.

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Evacuating While Black, Brown, or Poor Highlights the Unexpected Benefits of Privilege

Reading Time: 4 minutes While millions of Americans on the Carolina and Georgia coasts are filling up their gas tanks and evacuating their homes to safety, millions of others aren’t. As we watch the coverage showing people who aren’t evacuating the same question always comes up. Why doesn’t everyone just leave?

Yes, some people stay because they enjoy the thrill.
Some people stay because they want to protect their property.
Some people stay for the hurricane party.

However, a lot of people who should evacuate stay for reasons many people can’t understand that have nothing to do with the party. For a variety of reasons people who live in poverty often find it impossible to evacuate. Additionally for many reasons people of color are disproportionately affected by hurricanes.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes I remember the moment I walked into the Egyptian Ballroom in Atlanta’s Fox Theater to see an art exhibition called The Dinner Party: Judy Chicago’s feminist-awakening homage to women—and my first real history lesson! It was early October 1982 and I didn’t know what I was in for; yet I could feel the womb of womanly beauty and power and mystery all around me. It was as though I was reclaiming something, but it’d be years before I had the words to express it.

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