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news for women


A Racially Subversive Bernie Sanders?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Black and brown people are lazy. They would rather lay around collecting government benefits and having babies than work. Thus, the primary goal of poverty policy should be forcing them to work. This song has been playing on repeat within American politics for a couple decades.

Politicians use these stereotypes, or dog whistles, on the campaign trail. They are associated with some significant baggage. Perceived differences have historically prevented some white workers from joining in common cause with people of color in fights for living wages. They have otherwise prevented some white Americans from working with people of color in ensuring our government works for us all.

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4 Things to Let Yourself Off the Hook for So You Can Thrive Now

Reading Time: 4 minutes I know you feel guilty about not making cookies for the neighborhood association bake sale. I know you wish you’d gone to the doctor with your sister when she asked you for a ride. I know you felt guilty about saying no to your boss when she asked you for overtime. I feel you. I really do.

You’ve gotten better about saying “no” as a one-word sentence. However, chances are high, you still nail yourself to the cross of obligation for doing it. Learning to say no is not freedom if you don’t give yourself permission to enjoy the freedom you buy with your boundaries. 

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The Cut: American women are furious — and our politics and culture will never be the same.

Reading Time: 19 minutes Female candidates signed up to run not just for school boards — though yeah, those too — but for all kinds of elected positions. So far this year, record numbers of women have secured nominations in state legislative, congressional, gubernatorial, and senate races, including more than a hundred teachers who entered primaries from West Virginia to Oklahoma to Arizona, states where teachers, many female, led strikes this spring.

Meanwhile, high-school students, women prominent among them, started a widespread movement for gun control, calling powerful people out on their BS and promising a revolt against a gun lobby that has held America in its grip for too long. On the opening day of the Kavanaugh hearings, it was a Women’s March leader, Linda Sarsour, who was the first to stand and yell — and she and a co-leader, Bob Bland, were among those arrested.

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I Don’t Care About Your Happy

Reading Time: 2 minutes In all that, there will be times of big, wild happy. 
And there will be sadness. Grief. Anger. Shame. 
There will be quiet. There will be stillness. There will be peace. 
There will be expansion. Contraction. Connection. Solitude.
There will be everything and happy doesn’t even begin to cover what is possible. 

And if we go for happy, we miss out. 

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Brett Kavanaugh May Very Well THINK He’s Telling the Truth and that Doesn’t Mean it Didn’t Happen

Reading Time: 2 minutes That Dr. Ford carried this trauma with her – carries it today – does not surprise me. It would surprise me if I had a female friend who didn’t carry similar trauma, really.

What deeply saddens me is that the trauma which has outlined her life for over 30 years is completely unmemorable to Judge Kavanaugh. And if he wasn’t the perpetrator, then it’s unmemorable to whoever that man was.

Because it was meaningless to him. And it was everything to her.

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