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news for women


Self-care and Sanity After Domestic Violence

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you are on a path of healing after domestic abuse, it’s important to take the time to care for yourself. After a difficult and turmoltuous  experience, self-care is incredibly important for one’s overall mental health. There are several basic but overlooked practices of self-care, including sleep, relaxation, stress reduction, and learning to say no. Keep reading to learn more about how to incorporate these into your healing process.

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Possibilities: From Collective Trauma to Collective Healing

Reading Time: 10 minutes We heal this collective trauma by confronting it, understanding it, releasing the pain of it, and transcending it, as a group. And not just a group of women, but as a society. The first step is to confront it.

Like Salman Rushdie, the Islamic writer observed after the fatwa was issued against him, “Those who do not have power over the story that dominates their lives, power to retell it, rethink it, deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change, truly are powerless, because they cannot think new thoughts.” 

Regardless of the gender you inhabit, the times we live in demands that you confront your story about “women,” our bodies, our identities, our sexuality, our value, our stereotyping and our debasement. We do this by taking power over the story. Examine it. Interrogate it. Name it. As a leader, you have an obligation to make sure that you explore your story around women.

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I think my husband has a porn addiction. He thinks I’m crazy.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Any time spent doing one activity that diverts focus and time away from loved ones can be to the detriment of the relationships with those loved ones. Be it a video game addiction or porn watching. The fact that you’re feeling left in the dust is the problem, and when you talk to him about those feelings of your own inadequacy I’d like you to frame it around that, and not the porn itself. It’s great that he’s not lying about watching porn in the first place, but I understand why you might miss him. (Unless what he’s watching is leading to harmful behaviors, but that doesn’t sound like the case.)

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5 Ways to Connect with Your Heritage

Reading Time: 2 minutes Every family, regardless of origin, has a story. Learning about that history can lead to finding your own story and the powerful meaning of heritage.

From discovering your ethnicity to connecting with distant relatives, a resource like Ancestry can help people find their story in their DNA, inspiring new passions and fueling their journeys to discovery.

If you’re looking for more ways to bring your family’s story to life, consider these ideas.

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Public Service Alert for Men

Reading Time: 7 minutes Pay attention and listen. Evaluate your relationship. I am trying to help you out.

You know how there is nothing you can do to make her happy? Sex is not fun anymore? She recoils at your touch sometimes? Maybe she is never physically satisfied with sex? Maybe she has packed on more weight than looks attractive to you? Yeah, all of that. Have you ever considered that maybe she herself was a victim of rape or sexual assault? Yup. Maybe.

So what now, right?

Back up and listen closely. Time for you to learn, brother!

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