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news for women


Kavanaugh, Rape Culture, and the Time for an Important Course Correction

Reading Time: 6 minutes What if there were a groundswell of not just women but men, all calling out the entitled mentality that normalizes the displays of dominance included in every assault? There are those who lament that every small physical gesture is scrutinized and labeled, these days. I think this is a small price to pay as we try to change a worldwide culture where rape is a weapon and a silent epidemic rages, in the form of the indelible, excruciating memories of the victims, without any real consequences for the vast majority of their tormentors.

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Why “I’m not racist” is only half the story | Robin DiAngelo

Reading Time: 3 minutes While we who are white tend to be fragile in that it doesn’t take much to upset us around race, the impact of our response is not fragile at all. It’s a kind of weaponized defensiveness, weaponized hurt feelings. And it functions really, really effectively to repel the challenge. As a white person I move through the world racially comfortable virtually 24/7. It is exceptional for me to be outside of my racial comfort zone, and most of my life I’ve been warned not to go outside my racial comfort zone.

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A Blessing in the Kavanaugh Turmoil: Let’s Talk to Our Kids

Reading Time: 3 minutes Kids know that sexual assault is about sex and that it involves the body. But what kids also need to know is that at its core, sexual assault is a violent form of aggression and is disrespectful of another person’s boundaries. Kids need us to talk to them about aggression, boundaries and respect for others. But that’s not enough. 

What kids desperately need is to witness healthy examples of adults showing respect for the boundaries of others–including not using aggression to get what we want.

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CNN: These images of women around Kavanaugh evoke a familiar alibi

Reading Time: 5 minutes It is also the case that this is a way of rhetorically displacing the victim — if the wife and family are the injured parties, the woman who has brought forth the charge is understood as victimizing a woman and children too.

A great deal of empirical evidence has shown that people who commit acts of intimate and sexual violence often do it more than once. But it is also true that people can commit horrific acts of violence against others and still be good to those they love. The psychological and cultural inability to come to terms with that reality results in many victims being disbelieved and treated quite badly.

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How to Prevent Sex-related Injuries

Reading Time: 2 minutes Think of sex like a contact sport; when an athlete increases their workout intensity they should also increase their amount of stretching, water intake, and protection against harm or injury. And after a tiring workout, a mindful athlete will also increase their level of after-care and rest in between bodily exertion. Sex is a type of contact sport, one that also requires us to be risk-aware.

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