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news for women


Saturday, October 6, 2018 will be the day the patriarchy died

Reading Time: 3 minutes We’re overdue for a revolution and there cannot be a revolution without women — and you know what? Women did not want this. We didn’t want to have to take our rage to a bloody battlefield. We hoped for the evolution of men who would break the patriarchy themselves. They have not. The problem with that is systems of oppression are not sustainable, no matter how badly oppressors want them to be.

So, here we are, at the party they created, the party we weren’t invited to – but we’re here anyway, and we’re going to burn it down.

We’re going to burn it down, not because we’re angry, but because it’s time.
It’s ours to do and they’ve left us no choice but to do it.

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Ten Ways To Be Your Own Guru

Reading Time: 6 minutes Gurus are a dime a dozen. There is always someone selling something that’s going to fix everything. A lot of people will line up to buy the magic pill or quick fix, even if we know, we’ll probably never take it or use it.

Sure, we all can benefit from a guide who can shine the light on a path we want to hike. However, most of us have more self-help and spiritual books on our shelves than we will ever read, let alone implement.

Not to mention, the flavor of the day is always changing. The next great thought leader is always emerging. The newest process or product might just do the trick.

But here’s the thing: You are the expert on you.

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By the Light of the Moon

Reading Time: 5 minutes Each of the moon’s phases supports specific actions we can take to move towards our goals, helping us balance our health, relationships, spirituality, creativity, even our finances. For instance, the “dark moon days” just before the new moon are wonderfully supportive for self-care, pampering, and introspection. The new moon is a great time to start something new, to begin a course of learning, or launch a creative project. When the moon is full it’s a great time to socialize and celebrate.

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Entertaining: Simple Yet Stunning

Reading Time: 4 minutes One of the best-kept chef secrets to hosting the most memorable at-home parties is keeping the food simple and adding small details to make it special. After all, a host who isn’t hard at work in the kitchen is a host who can spend more time with guests.

One way to make every minute in the kitchen count and provide crowd-pleasing food is by using wholesome, quality core ingredients like olive oil, fresh bread, cheese and artisan chocolate to create flavorful dishes that are easy to prepare, and leave you with more time to enjoy what matters most: moments with the ones you love.

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Possibilities: From Tokenism to Community

Reading Time: 8 minutes Veterans of racial justice work have discovered that tokenism is often coupled with assimilation. When a person gets chosen to “break the glass ceiling,” implicit in that selection is the message that “We invited you into our exclusive group. You represent (x) (x=marginalized group). You must act like us, speak like us, behave like us and be loyal to us, what we stand for, our values, our ways, and our foundations.”

This action of tokenism is done as “the method of limited access that gives false hope to those left behind and blames them for ‘not making it.’ Tokenism is a form of co-optation. It takes the brightest and best of the most assimilated, reward them with position and money (though rarely genuine leadership and power) and then uses them as a model of what is necessary to succeed, even though there are often no more openings for others who may follow the model.”

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I Want to be a Woman of a Certain Age

Reading Time: 2 minutes I want to be a woman of a certain age.

I want to earn my laugh lines. I want to cackle like a madwoman who doesn’t care who’s watching. I want to laugh until I cry or maybe even pee my pants, just a little. I want to find humor in things that only someone who’s seen some things come and go, can find. I want to giggle with children because I’ve learned what they already know; nothing is ever that serious.

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