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news for women


Women Have Already Reached the Top

Reading Time: 7 minutes Although history books rarely record women’s achievements in anything near equal measure to men’s achievements, women HAVE achieved “it all”. We are doctors and lawyers and Supreme Court judges. We are world leaders. – Even though the United States failed to elect Hillary Clinton as our first woman President, there are plenty of countries that have NOT failed to put a woman in the top leadership position. We are scientists, fighter pilots, authors, psychologists, law enforcement officers, astronauts, teachers, professors, builders, race car drivers, actors, athletes, Olympians, musicians, entertainers, technicians, ministers, entrepreneurs – there isn’t a single field where women have not aspired to, and reached, “the top”.

However, what keeps nagging at me isn’t that we need more women “at the top” (although believe me, it has nagged me plenty) but that we need men to be more comfortable reaching down to what is perceived to be the bottom – the unpaid labor and necessary work that keeps the world turning day after day – the multitude of chores historically given to servants. These tasks are generally carried out by women, both physically and emotionally. The laundry load and the emotional load have predominantly been women’s burden to bear.

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A People Before Politics Platform that Makes Sense When Everything Seems Insane

Reading Time: 8 minutes I woke up this morning with the powerful need to write down what I want to happen in our country, politically.

I’m going to share these ideas with you not because I want you to agree with me, but because I want you to consider your own perspective on these issues and come to your own conclusions.

Then, take a hard look at the candidates on your slate next month. Where do they stand on the issue vs. where you stand? If it’s unclear, find a way to ask them.

Then, vote for the people who are closest to your point of view. They may not be 100% in alignment with you – but vote for the one who’s 80% there over the one who’s 10% with you.

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Warm Yourself with Autumn Soups—3 Easy Recipes

Reading Time: 5 minutes The act of preparing food to nourish yourself and your loved ones brings a sense of joy and accomplishment – benefits that are difficult to measure, but nonetheless add up.

And, if you’re after saving time, don’t forget the crock pot! If you have one of these versatile kitchen tools, you have a busy soup-maker’s best friend. When I had a family to feed that thing practically lived on my counter during the winter.

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Unlucky with Money?

Reading Time: 3 minutes I don’t really believe in luck. I do believe we are all on our own journey and here to learn the lessons that we are meant to learn. I also believe we are conscious co-creators of our lives, and that we don’t just let life passively go by.

That being said, when you find yourself in deep contrast, meaning struggling to pay the mortgage or rent, put food on the table, pay bills, etc., you could say, “Wow, I’m so unlucky in money.” However, that is a limiting belief. It lowers your vibration.

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Movie Review: A Star is Born, (Spoiler Alert)

Reading Time: 3 minutes A Star is Born made me feel like I’d just spent two hours and seventeen minutes watching people I cared about fall in love and then lose themselves and in the end lose each other. I don’t want to see this movie again and it’s not because it’s not well done. I don’t want to see it again because it’s done too well.

Bottom line: Do not go see this movie if you’re looking to feel good when you walk out of the theater. You won’t. However, if you’ve got some good mood to spare, it’s worth the price of admission to feel something deeply that will distract you from all the politics in the world – at least for two hours and a few minutes

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Vox: The rape culture of the 1980s, explained by Sixteen Candles

Reading Time: 9 minutes The dominant cultural narrative at the time of Brett Kavanaugh’s high school experience was the one offered by Sixteen Candles. And it taught any girl who went to a party and got assaulted by an acquaintance that whatever happened to her was surely her fault, that it proved she was the wrong kind of girl, that it was funny, that she had nothing whatsoever to complain about, and that it absolutely wasn’t rape.

Under those circumstances, the mystery is not why “any person would continue to go to … ten parties over a two-year period where women were routinely gang raped and not report it,” as Sen. Graham argued. The mystery is why anyone ever came forward with their story at all.

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