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news for women


Caitlyn Jenner Just Proved She’s Exactly Like Other Republican-Voting Privileged White Women

Reading Time: 3 minutes “I do not support Trump,” she wrote. “I must learn from my mistakes and move forward.”


And here’s the thing. At that moment, Caitlyn Jenner joined the ranks of privileged white women who are perfectly willing to follow along until Trump’s tyranny affects them. It’s ok until it comes home and for Caitlyn obviously trampling the rights of trans people was her come to Jesus moment.

She was fine with kids in cages.
She was fine with angry hostile racist rhetoric.
She was fine with sabor rattling with other foreign powers and ditching our long-standing foreign allies while palling up to the world’s most dangerous dictators.
She was fine with an alleged rapist supreme court nominee and mocking a sexual assault victim who came forward.

Hell, she was fine with “grab ’em by the pussy”. Maybe that’s because she didn’t have one when he was bragging about grabbing them.

But Transgender rights – she had to finally draw a line.

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The Week: America has a right-wing terrorism problem

Reading Time: 3 minutes Obviously body-slamming a reporter (who was trying to ask a question about the ObamaCare repeal vote, by the way) is not the same as blowing them up with a pipe bomb. But it is absolutely beyond the pale of constitutional democracy. Celebrating such acts by the very top of the party elite does not bode well for the future of the GOP and American politics writ large.

Political violence is a thorny enough problem when it’s carried out by underground extremists. But it is a lot more dangerous when it becomes a tactic for a ruling party. If one cannot win free and fair elections, well then violence might serve just as well — and if it works, then there is no way to stop it.

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5 Things to Consider on Your Next Road Trip

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you’re looking for a memorable vacation experience, getting behind the wheel and taking to the open road can provide the perfect opportunity to create your own journey and explore at your own pace.

When planning a road trip, the first step is choosing where your travels will take you. A destination like New Mexico, known as the Land of Enchantment, is a haven for the unexpected and offers a variety of budget-friendly activities that can inspire creativity and rejuvenate your body and mind.

Before you jump in the car and set off to make memories, there are a few things to consider when building your trip’s itinerary, such as climate, lodging, restaurants, activities and your budget.

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Keeping An Abuser’s Secrets in the Age of Trump

Reading Time: 4 minutes Gaslighting, keeping men’s secrets, and misogyny go hand in hand – a wicked braid that is essential to keeping the fabric of the patriarchy intact. Powerful men staying in power because those they hold power over are marginalized, hushed, dependent and scared.

These troubling realities have been on my mind because they’re playing out in a much bigger way. Now instead of an individual abuse victim keeping the secrets of her abuser I’m watching half the country and an entire political party make excuses for the President.

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You Might Have Missed It, but Our President Publicly and Proudly Announced He Is a Racist and It’s Not Ok.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Make no mistake, Trump knew exactly what he was doing when he proudly proclaimed his Nationalist identity. He chose his time with a precise calculation and laid public claim to that title for a purpose. It’s not a dog whistle when you scream it into a mic surrounded by the likes of racists Trump keeps company with. 

This is not normal.

In a week when the news cycle is dominated by a President threatening a nuclear arms race and multiple pipe bombs in the mail, the fact that our president publicly declared his racist attitudes might feel like a footnote. 

It’s not. 

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