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Despite What You See in the News – Life is Good.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Life is good because when we see bad leadership, we must hear our soul’s clarion call for good leadership. Beloveds, humans want good leadership. It is our birthright. I am grateful for #45 (whose name shall NEVER be muttered) because he brings out the collective shadow side of this country. The invisibility that racism yields, the greed capitalism exploits, the abuse of power that patriarchy unveils, and the nationalism that breeds ethnocentrism has forever been altered because he gave us this great gift by bringing it out in the open, forcing us to look at ourselves as well as the culture that we live in.

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When the Person Who Just Got Fired is a Horrible Human, Isn’t That a Good Thing? Don’t bet on it.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Every departure from this administration, no matter how vile the human who is leaving, is sending us further into a death spiral of a failing democracy. Trump is not capable of designing a leadership team who will challenge him.

The good news about democracy is, it’s still built on people. Truth be told, we may have already lost our democracy. However, 2018 can be the year we took it back.

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