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Let Us All Take a Collective Deep Breath – John Bolton Will Be Nothing More than a Distraction

Reading Time: 3 minutes Yes, Bolton will have a bigger stage from which he will spew his bullshit. However, in practical terms, National Security Advisor isn’t as glamorous or as powerful a position as it might sound. There is a difference between influence and power. Bolton might have influence. As a high-level advisor, he will have the presidents ear. However, he will have no actual power.

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Is Being Gay a Choice?

Reading Time: 2 minutes When love between two people happens, when all of those pieces fall in place, when two people find themselves blessed with the miracle of love, it is a miracle of fate, timing, and biology. It is figuratively, and maybe literally an act of god.and guess what, it’s always a choice, no matter who you are or who you love. To love another is always the highest choice.
Do people choose to be gay?

Who cares?

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Why Does Personal Development Fail?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Certain words get a really bad wrap. I think discipline is one of them. Most of the time discipline isn’t about doing what’s hard. It’s about doing what’s easy, even when it’s dull. Many years ago one of my early yoga instructors refused to use the words “yoga practice”. He referred to his practice as his discipline, not like a punishment, but more like something he was devoted to, as in disciple. I get that now, in a way I didn’t when I was twenty.

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A Woman You Should Know: How a Victim Became a Warrior – Interview with Courtney Weaver

Reading Time: 6 minutes There is something about Courtney Weaver that leaves you feeling both engaged and a little uncomfortable at times. She has a directness and intensity that can only come from surviving. Courtney has survived more times than anyone should have to. Courtney Weaver doesn’t dance around the truth, and that kind of directness is uncommon. She is on a mission, and she doesn’t have a lot of time for small talk.

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The Terrorist Next Door – White and Male

Reading Time: 6 minutes Mary Beth Altier from Center for Global Affairs, New York University says, “It’s a very serious threat and one that’s often underplayed. There’s an inherent bias in how we frame Islamist versus far right-wing, white supremacist terrorism.” She pointed to the Charlottesville car attack as an example: “The guy ran people over with a car. If a Muslim deliberately ran people over with a car, immediately it would be a terrorist attack.” We know this is a fact because we’ve seen it play out many times.

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Worry Is Really Meditating On Sh!t

Reading Time: 3 minutes As a hypnotherapist, I learned that any thoughts you think when you are under duress are extremely powerful. You are very suggestible when you’re under duress. Worrying the voluntary act of putting yourself in a hypnotic state and filling your subconscious with toxic thoughts.

Some people will say you can control all your thoughts. I don’t really believe that’s true. Thoughts naturally occur. You don’t have control over every thought that arises in your consciousness. However what you do have absolute control over is which thought you choose to entertain.

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