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news for women


Walking on Eggshells – The Gaslighting of a Nation

Reading Time: 6 minutes As for this declaration that April is “National Sexual Assault Awareness Month” – there is probably no one in the world who has made us more aware of sexual assault than our current president who openly bragged about it and somehow still got elected. And just like the individual victim of gaslighting who becomes aware, now we need to follow up our awareness with the action that will get us free. Stand up, speak out, and vote.

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My partner and I can talk about almost anything. We’ve always had good communication. However, after three years, I still find it very difficult to talk to him about sex.

Reading Time: 2 minutes It is very common for adults to have a tough time asking for their desires, but it still troubles me if two people who have spent years of time together aren’t able to feel comfortable enough for one to say to another:  “I’ve realized that I’m craving some spontaneity around our sex.”

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An Open Letter to Generation X – It’s Time to Get Off Your Phone and Get Into the Revolution

Reading Time: 3 minutes If this is the battle between the outdated ideology of the boomers and the vision of the millennials, although our numbers may be smaller, we will be the deciding vote between the past and future. The voices of Gen Xer’s may the most important voices and votes of all. History will tell the story of what we did or didn’t do with those votes and our voices.

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How To Begin Decluttering When You Don’t Have The Time Or The Energy

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ask yourself …
What could be possible if your home truly reflected + nourished + amped up your desired Becoming? In other words, it looked like the woman you dream of being already lived there?
What could you DO and BE in the world if your home fed your soul + recharged your batteries
so that you could go out and do ThatThingYouDo with wholehearted attention?

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