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natural health


Detoxing with the Season: Helpful Supplements and Herbal Teas

Reading Time: 6 minutes If you’ve visited the supplement section of a natural foods store lately, you were likely confronted with a huge display featuring a dizzying array of products that promised to cleanse and detox your system.

One reason for this is—as I explained in last week’s post on seasonal detoxing—the changing of seasons to Spring or Fall is a traditional time to cleanse and detox the body to clean out sludge from the winter or summer parties.

And, the advent of Spring is a time when many people feel even more determined to start eating healthier and lose those extra pounds. Marketers know this and many companies run sales on detox and diet products at the beginning of Spring, just like they do at New Year’s Resolution time.

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Spring Into the Season Feeling Fresh and Renewed

Reading Time: 6 minutes Spring has officially sprung. At least in the northern hemisphere we entered the spring season on the Full Moon Spring Equinox last week, and now it’s time to think about spring cleaning.

Now, most people think about washing windows and turning mattresses when they hear the words “Spring Clean”, but I’m talking about a different sort of cleaning. Three different sorts actually, and they all relate to each other in some way or another. They are:

Physically cleaning and detoxing your body.

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Why Your Favorite Fragrance May Not Be Your Friend

Reading Time: 4 minutes Fragrance…. It sounds like such a benign word. We say, that flower has a lovely fragrance.

The truth is that many companies are using the word ‘fragrance’ as a catch-all term for a chemical cocktail that is now being shown to disrupt the function of important hormones, including thyroid and adrenals, causing all kinds of problems with your health and wellbeing.

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Your Cold and Flu Arsenal #6: Five More Essential Oils to Treat and Beat Cold and Flu

Reading Time: 5 minutes I love essential oils because they’re basically concentrated plant medicine. The small bottles are so easy to carry with you and pull out at need.

A lot of people get confused because essential ‘oil’ is somewhat of a misnomer. These substances are actually not oily at all, and are created (most often) through a complex distillation method that extracts the medicinal essence of a plant from the water and plant matter.

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Your Cold and Flu Arsenal: Three More Tips for Fending Off the Cold and Flu

Reading Time: 5 minutes There’s nothing like a nasty cold – or worse the flu – to derail your plans for a week (or more) and make life miserable.

However, I’m definitely not a fan of disrupting my natural immunity with a flu shot. Unless you have serious health issues, you are much better off using herbs, foods and simple lifestyle adjustments to nip an incipient cold or flu in the bud, before it can even grab hold.

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Your Cold and Flu Arsenal: 3 Tips to Stay Well During Cold Season

Reading Time: 5 minutes The common cold (and its evil cousin, the respiratory flu) seem to be just facts of life for many of us. And, now that those of us north of the equator are deep into the winter season, it can seem like we’re surrounded by sniffles.

Unless you’re holed up on a mountain top you can’t escape the cacophony of coughs and sneezes that abound in public spaces, and it’s all made worse in cold climates where that space is firmly sealed up against the bitter temperatures.

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Relief from Stress Might be Literally at Your Fingertips!

Reading Time: 3 minutes EFT Tapping reduces the stress hormones in your body that your amygdala has so helpfully told your body to produce. And it does a lot more than that! Studies have shown tapping to be effective in reducing physical pain, ending food cravings, losing weight, healing addictions, ending phobias and much more.

It’s true that it’s best to work with a trained EFT practitioner to gain lasting results for more serious and deep-rooted situations like these, but the good news is that anyone can learn to tap on themselves for basic in-the-moment relief from stress and anxiety.

If you’d like to learn how to tap for yourself, I take you through the points and a tapping sequence in this video.  And learn more about EFT right here.

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Why You Probably Need More Magnesium Than You’re Getting

Reading Time: 6 minutes I knew that I was getting SOME magnesium already because I eat well and I take a high-quality multivitamin that includes it, but once I started learning more about how much we women need this vital mineral, I began upping my dosage significantly.

You might have heard the argument that we should be getting nutrients and minerals like magnesium through foods rather than supplements. And although I’m a huge proponent of eating wholesome and natural foods high in vitamins and minerals,  I don’t believe that we get enough through our food.

First of all, it’s a sad truth that even freshly grown veggies don’t carry the magnesium and other nutrients in the quantities they once did, due to farming practices which have deleted the soil of minerals. And, secondly, living in today’s world with all of its external and internal stressors (hello pollution, hormone disruptors, and a culture of overwork!), our nutrients become depleted far more rapidly than in previous times.

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Don’t Travel Without This Miracle Extract

Reading Time: 6 minutes Grapefruit seeds contain a couple of important chemical compounds (polyphenols) called limonoids and naringenin. Apparently, these compounds act as antimicrobials AND antioxidants, so in addition to killing off bad microbes they protect your body’s tissues against the excessive production of reactive oxygen species which can occur when such pathogens infect the tissues.

While there have not been many scientific studies performed on humans on how grapefruit seed extract works, test tube studies have proven that it works as well as some prescription drugs for conditions such as fungal infections.

Natural health practitioners and many users (including me!) can testify to its efficacy for a number of different and persistent problems. Additionally, grapefruit grows in many areas, and peoples of various cultures throughout the world have used grapefruit seeds to cleanse the body of harmful organisms.

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