I cannot BELIEVE what Nancy Pelosi did at the State of the Union y’all.
Reading Time: < 1 minute I cannot BELIEVE what Nancy Pelosi did at the State of the Union y’all.
Read MoreReading Time: < 1 minute I cannot BELIEVE what Nancy Pelosi did at the State of the Union y’all.
Read MoreReading Time: < 1 minute PELOSI PRESSER: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delivers her weekly press conference on the heels of a tense meeting with President Trump about Syria on Wednesday. After the meeting, Pelosi claimed Trump had a ‘meltdown’ and she fears for his health.
Read MoreReading Time: 6 minutes As the pressure builds on impeachment, the Judiciary Committee is moving to enforce its subpoenas and penalize those who violate them.
Traditionally, the next step in the oversight process would be to hold officials in contempt with a vote on the House floor. From there, the House would try to enforce its subpoenas by referring the uncooperative officials to the Justice Department for prosecution or filing a lawsuit in federal court. The problem with that strategy is the Trump administration can simply decline to prosecute its own officials, and the court battles could take years.
Still, opening impeachment proceedings isn’t inevitable, and Pelosi could stall such a move longer by more promises of investigation.
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