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michael cohen


I’m White. I’m Privileged. And I’m Not Ashamed, but I am Accountable

Reading Time: 6 minutes This is a moment in history that is demanding more from us than any of us expected, maybe even more so if you’re white. There is a fight going on for equality right now, in the streets and in the soul of this nation. Not choosing a side is in fact, choosing a side by default.

If you’re white, no one is asking you to be ashamed of your privilege. So, you can quit pretending you don’t have it. You can quit feeling attacked when someone points out the obvious. However, history is requiring that you’re accountable for that privilege you can’t hide. It’s ok. I can’t hide mine either.

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What is a Suspicious Activity Report, (SAR) and Why Should You Care?

Reading Time: 5 minutes The Treasury Department has opened an investigation into whether bank records belonging to President Trump’s private lawyer were illegally leaked to the lawyer for porn actress Stormy Daniels. I’m sure the bank itself is also investigating. However, the running and most likely theory is Michael Avenatti got ahold of the Suspicious Activity Reports somehow. Chances are high there’s more in those documents than what we currently know.

Suspicious Activity Reports are usually not made public for a reason – because they are a “suspicion”. The Department of the Treasury takes a stand that it wants to avoid damaging a reputation before a proper investigation verifies the allegations. We don’t know the exact status of those Suspicious Activity Reports. However, we do know that Mueller has already questioned most if not all of the people who paid Cohen money that was deposited in that account. So, it might not be a stretch to think the Department of Treasury alerted the Special Council about what they found.

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