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melania trump


Melania Trump: Living in the People’s House with the Racist-in-Chief

Reading Time: 4 minutes Melania Trump defied her husband publicly by coming down on the right side of that issue then and she did again regarding Lebron. Out of all the paint-peeling bullshit Donald Trump routinely spews on Twitter Melania picked two issues to speak out on and they both had to do with race.

Everyone has biases. A lot of people are racist. However, there is a difference between being a garden variety racist and a white supremacist. Donald Trump is the latter. His Alt-right rhetoric leaves little to the imagination when it comes to the black, brown, and white of the President and our nation. We know where he stands.

What’s less clear is where she stands. When a First Lady’s job is to support her husband, Melania Trump is the most independent First Lady this nation has ever had. Especially when it comes to issues of race and racism, Melania Trump does not fall into lock-step with the Racist in Chief.

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Where Would You Be Hiding If You Were Melania Trump?

Reading Time: 4 minutes I can’t imagine how miserable Melania Trump is right now. Even Michelle Obama referred to living in the White House as being in a very nice prison. However, Michelle Obama was there because she loved her husband. There was a strong sense they made decisions about their lives together and there were in it together with all of us. Melania isn’t in this with anyone. She’s in that prison alone and it’s probably a nightmare.

Which is exactly how many of us feel right now.
This has to be a nightmare and we just want to wake up. But we can’t, and neither can Melania.

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