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law of attraction


The One-Size-Fits-All Mentality that Saturates the Self-Improvement World Might Not Be Helpful

Reading Time: 5 minutes While most self-help teachers are in love with their own particular technique – which is totally fine and right, for them – I’m suggesting that the one-size-fits-all mentality that saturates the self-improvement world might not be helpful.

Perhaps not everyone ‘should’ be scripting about living a five-star life, but would get much more manifesting juice by actually spending a night in a luxury hotel or by wearing something that makes them feel rich.
Perhaps not everyone is hardwired to repeat affirmations in their heads, but would find the tactile rhythm of chanting round mala beads far more potent?
Perhaps acknowledging your personal ‘programming’ might help you choose a practice that is more likely to succeed from the get-go.

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If You Feel Like Giving Up, Please Do

Reading Time: 2 minutes When giving up feels better, it is not a failure. It is an instruction from your higher self-pointing the way to your success.

One of my favorite alt-spiritual quotes is from Frank Butterfield: “Give up early and often.” It might seem contradictory advice to creating what we want, but often it’s the magic that makes the difference.

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How To Begin Decluttering When You Don’t Have The Time Or The Energy

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ask yourself …
What could be possible if your home truly reflected + nourished + amped up your desired Becoming? In other words, it looked like the woman you dream of being already lived there?
What could you DO and BE in the world if your home fed your soul + recharged your batteries
so that you could go out and do ThatThingYouDo with wholehearted attention?

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Ten Life Skills Never Taught But Totally Essential to Happiness

Reading Time: 3 minutes When it comes to creating a successful life, there are a variety of skills we’re told that are important to master, like:

time and money management
interpersonal and communication skills, etc.
Certainly, those are very helpful abilities in navigating our way well through life.

But there are a handful of other competencies that are even more important to happy living.

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