I’m reinventing myself as a brave, opinionated person.
Reading Time: 3 minutes I’m reinventing myself as a brave, opinionated person.
So, of course, my wardrobe has to change.
Reading Time: 3 minutes I’m reinventing myself as a brave, opinionated person.
So, of course, my wardrobe has to change.
Reading Time: 3 minutes To know that others do not have those same opportunities and to be afraid to take a stand for them, to risk speaking up in their defense, in case I say something wrong???
That is cowardice.
Read MoreReading Time: < 1 minute Psst … stop scrolling for a second … I want to tell you something …
Read MoreReading Time: < 1 minute What could you do today, supernova,
that reflects what you dream of doing later?
Reading Time: 3 minutes What looks like clutter to one person may feel like an exuberant homage to maximalism to you.
What looks like haphazard housekeeping from the outside might just mean that you’re finding your rhythm on the inside.
And if you have zero idea what “sparks joy” or doesn’t, letting usefulness be your metric is not a cop-out. (I can feel my blood boiling as I remember a client telling me this! *grrrrr)
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes The desire to shed residual trappings of WhoYouWere is PROOF that you’ve already begun recalibrating
and your Inner Knowing
Because our ‘stuff’’ speaks volumes, both to- and about us, yes?
And when you move your inner stuff,
your outer stuff suddenly doesn’t feel right.
It feels like not-you.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes Do you buy yourself flowers, or run decadent baths, or eat by candlelight?
Do you lavish your skin with luscious lotions + spritz your favorite fragrance behind your ears before bed?
Do you dress as though you have a secret assignation?
Do you wear your sexy undies because you know you’ll catch a glimpse of it in the mirror tonight?
Reading Time: 4 minutes By definition, a catchphrase is a phrase or expression recognized by its repeated utterance.
A deliberately curated catchphrase can be a powerful tool for reinvention in becoming by its “repeated utterance” an affirmation of a new direction or identity.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes Clutter is residue that feels smothering, overwhelming, draggy.
Clutter is residue. But not all residue is clutter.
Some people (maximalists like me) like a lot of stuff around them. We like our environments embellished and interesting and story-full. Walls are covered in art. Everywhere the eye rests invites conversation. Oscar Wilde would feel right at home.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutes The first day of the week is devoted entirely to journaling and inner work and the weekly nest-maintenance things like laundry, floors and bathrooms.
The inner work sets the tone for the day,
which makes the housekeepery become an extension of the inner work.