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how to raise confident children


When Kids Want Ideas, Hand Them a Dust Cloth

Reading Time: 3 minutes So, if you’re ever thinking this summer that you really “should” do more to keep your kids busy, you might want to think again. 

Encourage them to come up with their own ideas. If possible, you can provide the support when they ask for rides, money, supervision and supplies. 

They may balk at first, thinking it’s easier for Mom to do things for them. In the short run, that may be true. But by putting the ball in their court, you’re conveying your faith in their ability to create their own good time. You’re letting them know that you believe they can do it. And they can.

You’re also taking the pressure off yourself which is a good thing in itself.

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Getting Bullies to Change

Reading Time: 3 minutes As I tell kids, having a civil conversation with someone who’s trying to dominate you is a smart idea. Keep in mind you’ll have to be the one who initiates the conversation and you’ll also have to be the one who keeps it civil. So, before you actually have the conversation, practice it in your mind a few times until you’re comfortable with it and feel really good about having it.

Taking this step will do wonders for anyone who’s confidence has been shaken by a power-hungry aggressor because initiating the talk and taking the lead in the conversation is breaking the old pattern and starting a new one… where the aggressor is not in charge.

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Really, Little Girl, You Can Conquer This Bullying Thing

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I watched yet another video of a child sharing her experiences with bullying as she asked adults to stop it from ever happening again.

Through tears and sniffles, this beautiful child managed to read her sad letter to a room full of school administrators and parents. She was definitely heard by these caring adults and no doubt these people WILL do something. 

The question is, will whatever they do actually make this little girl’s life better? 

As difficult as it was for that little girl to ask for change, asking someone else to make the change seems easier than making the change yourself.

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