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Budget-Friendly Ways to Stay in Shape as a Busy Single Parent

Reading Time: 3 minutes Believe it or not, it is possible to stay fit and healthy on a budget, even if you have very spare little time on your hands. For example, swinging by one-stop retailers such as Target can help save you time as well as money, whether you’re shopping for healthy foods or gear to help you make the most of your exercise or yoga routine. To take those savings one step further, you can use a Target coupon code for your purchases; find out more by clicking here.

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Boost Your Metabolism and Brain Power with Matcha

Reading Time: 6 minutes Today I want to clue you in on the benefits of matcha specifically. I just might inspire you to trade in your coffee for a matcha latte, or just a plain ceremonial matcha.

Although I’ve discovered there are many, many different grades of matcha, it seems to me that most of the health benefits are present no matter what grade you choose. I’ve now traded in my Trader Joe packets for an authentic Japanese matcha powder with a far superior flavor and texture. However, I honestly think that lower quality Trader Joe’s stuff still packed a power punch.

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Your Cold and Flu Arsenal #3: Fight it Off or Get Rid of it Fast!

Reading Time: 5 minutes If a cold or flu virus is getting you down this winter, this series of tips is for you!

There are plenty of natural remedies—and lifestyle modifications—that will help you beat a cold that’s trying to get you before it takes hold. And if you stay on top of things even before you start feeling those symptoms, you’re much more likely to get through cold and flu season feeling healthy and energized…. even when you’re surrounded by people who are snuffling and sneezing into their hankies!

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Five Out-of-the-Box Tips to Lose That Extra Weight

Reading Time: 5 minutes I long ago gave up on the concept of ‘New Year’s Resolutions, but I’m a big fan of harnessing that brand new year energy to set solid intentions, get clear on priorities, and feel some real momentum toward the realization of my dreams and goals.

Turning the calendar page to January 1st can fill us with a surge of energy and the inspiration to really make headway on those changes we’ve been dreaming of. The potential seems infinite!

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How to Fight Obesity the Healthy Way

Reading Time: 3 minutes Statistics suggest that three-fourths of the U.S. population will be overweight or obese by 2020, and 65 percent of people who successfully complete a fad diet will gain all the weight back that they lost. The only way to truly fight obesity is to institute safe and healthy practices that become a part of your daily life for the long term.

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5 Tips for Staying on Track in the New Year

Reading Time: 2 minutes While many people often wish maintaining good health was as easy as following an equation, health doesn’t have a start or end date. Once the allure of the new year wears off, it can be easy to let those resolutions go by the wayside.

When you focus on making small, positive changes, you can move your health goals forward throughout the year, no matter where you are on your health journey. To help stay on track, consider these easy-to-implement ideas from registered dietitian Annessa Chumbley:

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