One place where everything comes together



List of 4 Insanely Useful Tips for Having a Better Day

Reading Time: 4 minutes Being happy is a pretty nebulous concept. It’s hard to define and because it’s difficult to put a pin in it on the life map, happiness might not be the best goal. Maybe a better goal is having consistently better days, one day after the next, getting better and better.

The good news is having a better day is doable. It’s doable when you’re down and it’s also doable when you’re up to have even better days. These four insanely easy tips will make it easy to reach for just a little more feel good every day it’ll feel like cheating.

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The Ebb and Flow of a Spiritual Practice

Reading Time: 3 minutes The German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel said that “matter is spirit fallen into a state of self-otherness”.  His idea has often been interpreted in the thought that “we are not humans having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” If this is true, then we can’t not have a spiritual practice. We are spiritual beings. Our life is our practice.

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The Significance of the Naked Truth

Reading Time: 4 minutes In my experience, it always pays to be honest about our own feelings and emotions. As human beings we are a powerful creators and our feelings are a miracle. Learning to acknowledge them, embrace them, trust them and communicate them well, and remembering to do it all with kindness is a worthy goal. Telling the naked truth in a way that is kind is a powerful skill worth mastering.

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The Wonderful Hidden Value of Guilt

Reading Time: 3 minutes Guilt only serves one purpose, and no, it isn’t to hound you and make you feel like crap until you finally give in and do what you think you should do.
Truly the one useful purpose that we can find in those feelings of guilt is that they can show us our own personal value system.  And once we see what it is that we truly value we can usually find a way to honor that value without compromising our boundaries, our self-esteem, our decisions, and our freedom.
The first step to ending the feeling of guilt, or maybe I should say transforming the feeling of guilt is to ask yourself WHY you’re feeling guilty. What value is attached to your ideas about the situation?

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There is Alchemy in the Details

Reading Time: 4 minutes The non-essentials are what makes life worth living.
Doing the non-essential provides fuel. Doing things that are important to you, but not necessary makes doing the critical tasks feel less like work.

Without the beauty of the non-essential life starts to look and feel very black and white. It loses its juiciness, and without that juice, you lose inspiration, and without inspiration, energy starts running low fast.

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Complaining is Always a Smoke Screen and There’s Always Something Behind It

Reading Time: 6 minutes Beloveds, my invitation this week is that you weed out complaining. I encourage you to create a zero tolerance for complaining for a couple of weeks so you can hear its own unique draining cadence and learn to spot it before it heads your way. My hope is that you will change your narrative and become more grateful minded in your behaviors and your speech. This way you will experience feeling more empowered to change circumstances that you do not like.

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