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How Cat Poop On My Computer Helped Me To Realize My Many Blessings (And A Few Holiday Stress-Relieving Tips)

Reading Time: 6 minutes It’s holiday time again. The songs and carols remind us that, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” and that we should be filled with merriment and holiday cheer.

Instead, you may find yourself riddled with stress, worry and anxiety as you anticipate family get-togethers, and race around trying to fulfill holiday obligations.

Although I began to understand a long time ago the futility of trying to ‘do it all’ at holiday time, it took me a while to let it go. I’m still not 100% there. It’s hard to release oneself from years of cultural conditioning, and there were far too many years that I got way to stressed out in an attempt to create a ‘perfect’ holiday experience for my family.

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