One place where everything comes together

elle stanger


Inquiring Minds Want to Know: The Ins and Out of Period Sex

Reading Time: 2 minutes My question is, Do you ever feel sexy or desiring of sex when you’re on your period? If yes, that’s a clue that it’s something you shouldn’t ignore, and I encourage to ask your safe and supporting partner what you just asked me: “I know that we usually abstain from sex when I’m bleeding but I’m wondering if you’d be comfortable fooling around with me when I am?”

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We Tried Some 50 Shades of Grey Style Kink To Spice It Up and It Was a Miserable Failure

Reading Time: 3 minutes After you have discussed your interests and your limits and your safe word, be as creative as you’d like! If you’re not into conventional kinky attire like leather, bondage, whips, or chains, that’s fine! Something as simple as stuffing undies into his mouth and whispering “shhhhh” can be a simple way to introduce role play. Kink looks like whatever makes you happy.

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My husband doesn’t want to have sex nearly as often as he used to. I initiate most of the time and often times he’s too tired or seems uninterested.

Reading Time: 3 minutes , I’d give him a break: Focus on giving yourself pleasure as you can, splurge on a new sex toy, create a ritual for masturbation or self-pleasure, and take charge of your solo-sex life so that you can focus on you without relying on him. “I’m sorry if you’ve felt pressure from me and I’m going to make an effort to pleasure myself this month”, might turn his attitude around. After all, May IS National Masturbation Month.

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I’m very attracted to my fiance, but I’m also attracted to women. What now??

Reading Time: 2 minutes As a queer woman who married a man, my attraction to women never waned. Luckily, I was able to share my attraction to women with him and we were able to enjoy a fantasy realm that included watching FFM (female + female + male+)  pornography, flirting with women in social settings, and eventually having a really fun threesome. I’d suggest you talk with your fiance if you feel comfortable in doing so. If you don’t, I would reconsider agreeing to be sexually monogamous with him until you die.

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My boyfriend likes to go to strip clubs. I don’t want to make it a big deal but I feel threatened and insecure about it.

Reading Time: 2 minutes I am a fan of talking to my partner when I feel insecure about something. In order to do that, ask yourself objective questions. What is it that bothers you? Are you afraid that he will like the other women’s bodies more than yours? Does he have a spending problem? Do you feel uncomfortable with your sexuality? These are big questions, but they can lead to self-discovery.  

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My husband and I had an amazing sex life until we had our baby. Now I can’t orgasm.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Sex therapists tell me that the most common population of people who have trouble with arousal or orgasm are working women with children. Kids, labor and relationships require energy, which new parents don’t always have. Also, the constant diapering and crying of a new baby can drive a serious wedge into a person’s ability to fantasize about sex or to relax enough to enjoy it.

I believe that you will orgasm again, but that will happen after you’ve stopped trying so hard to get there, and focusing on the goal rather than the journey will add to your self-imposed pressure.

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The Real Danger for Sex Workers and Your Privacy – Understanding FOSTA + SESTA

Reading Time: 2 minutes GoogleDrive and Skype are now monitoring people’s data and conversations for signs of “obscenity”. This is what happens when you make laws that do not distinguish between sex work + sex trafficking. (Senator Ron Wyden understood that #FOSTA would push marginalized workers more underground by making their method of labor illegal, and voted against it. Thank you.)

The DOJ even stated that trafficking victims will not be impacted by its passing. Because when you direct resources and attention away from those who need it most, that population goes unserved.

Stop criminalizing the consensual activities of adults. Sex trafficking should be illegal, but I am not a person who does not give consent to my work. Who are you really hurting when you pass laws like these?

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My partner and I can talk about almost anything. We’ve always had good communication. However, after three years, I still find it very difficult to talk to him about sex.

Reading Time: 2 minutes It is very common for adults to have a tough time asking for their desires, but it still troubles me if two people who have spent years of time together aren’t able to feel comfortable enough for one to say to another:  “I’ve realized that I’m craving some spontaneity around our sex.”

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