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elle stanger


Am I Doing Orgasms Wrong?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Plenty of articles will tell you that women (and all people) experience orgasm differently; some people cry after or feel conflicted during – sensations of sexual pleasure can bring up feelings around shame or trauma relating to sexuality. Ask yourself if you have any negative experiences in your personal sexual history that might be making you feel odd about experiencing orgasm or genital pleasure.

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Pansexuality: My Daughter Just Came Out But She’s Not Exactly Gay

Reading Time: 2 minutes More people who had previously self-labeled as bisexual are now updating that description to pansexual, after they realized that people don’t often fall into these rigid categories of gender-identity expression. Gender is influenced by chromosomes, organs, hormones, and socialization. Transgender people and those that we refer to as “gender nonconforming” are just that; real people who categorically tend to get left out of our conversations about sex and culture when we only talk in typical terms “man” and “woman”. Try to not get hung up on the words, it just means that your daughter likes people for who they are.

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How to Care for Yourself if You Are Susceptible to Urinary Tract Infections & Yeast Infection

Reading Time: 3 minutes I recommend these holistic methods for dealing with bacterial vaginosis, yeasties, or general chafing from clothes or sex or hot weather: I use tea tree oil suppositories by the half or the full dose when I begin to feel a little ‘sting’ down there due to vaginal imbalance. I also just discovered MomotaroApotheca’s vaginal wellness salve and it’s already saved my vulva from some irritation a couple of times.

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Slutwalk – The March You Should Take Your Teenagers To.

Reading Time: 2 minutes At a time when our reproductive freedoms are facing constant attacks, as our Obama-era workplace protections are being overturned, as queerness and transphobia becomes more visible and attacked by this administration and it’s supporters, consensual sexual expression should be celebrated and supported in any way possible. Come for the gathering of like-minded people of all ages, sizes, shapes, and abilities – some people bring their kids, and some folks bring their grandparents. Join us for resources and literature that can help us stay connected to advocacy groups that are sex-positive and radically progressive.

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So… What About Sex Clubs???

Reading Time: 2 minutes Determine what “wild night” means to you and him: Do you want to watch on your first visit and maybe play with other people engaging with others on a later visit? What is he interested in? Does he want to dance with other people, flirt with other people? I first went with a particular boyfriend and we discovered quickly that I was comfortable and he was not.

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I’m 46-years-old and I Haven’t Had an Orgasm in Almost Two Years… Help!

Reading Time: 2 minutes It has been called “silver sex”, and it’s the term that refers to the sex lives of aging Americans. About  20% of our population will be older than 65 by 2030, so let’s talk about sexuality as we age. If you’ve determined that there are no other new factors like medication, diet, stress, or injury that could be impacting you for the last two years,  it’s probably your hormones. My momma started menopause in her late thirties, I recall her hot flashes, mood swings that made her feel “crazy”, and all that stuff she never told me about that I can’t wait to discover on my own.

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I Want a Real Polyamorous Relationship With Some Roots and Depth & I Don’t Know Where to Start

Reading Time: 3 minutes There are many different models for polyamory, or “loving many” people. I’ve participated in a couple separate models of polyamory, or as I actually prefer to call it, non-monogamy. I don’t need to “love” or be in close relationship with the people that I socialize with sexually as a non-monogamous person.“Polyamory” makes me think that you do indeed what to build a life with more than one partner, and people do this quite successfully, but it’s not for everyone.

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Tightness Anxiety and What To Do About It

Reading Time: 2 minutes Skin and tissue can be very stretchy, and many birthing parents like myself will assure you that your insides can and often do return to their prepartum state, or very close to it.  Regardless of whether you’ve given birth, your pelvic floor muscles and vagina would be very grateful for any kind of gentle exercise you can regularly maintain.

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