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After the Worst Week of His Presidency, Trump Gets His Military Parade After All By Bombing Syria

Reading Time: 4 minutes War is a thing. Missiles are real. What happened on Friday happened, but it wasn’t shock and awe. It was a well-executed distraction. The media has to cover it, but we don’t have to buy it. What we have to do is get to the polls and vote in numbers like we’ve never seen before. November 2018 isn’t that far away. You might start making a plan to get to the polls to vote now in case you have to do it in the dark.

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If Trump Fires Rosenstein is it Doomsday? Maybe. Maybe not. Convoluted Cliff Notes on What Could Happen Next

Reading Time: 3 minutes The bottom line is that the Attorney General has the authority to shut down the Mueller investigation.  Sessions’ recusal angered the President because that is exactly what he wanted. The investigation shut down.  If Rosenstein is fired whether a replacement is made via the succession plan or the Vacancies Reform Act it is pretty obvious that the intention would be to limit or end the investigation, which makes every choice suspect.  Per usual for this presidency, we are wandering into unknown territory. 

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Help Me, FIX my PARTNER ….Cause, I’ve Got My Shit Together

Reading Time: 4 minutes I have learned all too well, the anguish, hurt, disgust, and unspoken, gut-wrenching tension this mindset brings to a relationship.  It hurts, and it creates walls of division and fear in our relationships.

Everyone must run their own race in life, and it’s not your place to own your partner’s race.  This removes the beauty of growth and love for them and leaves you emotionally drained and tired.

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