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If You Feel Like Giving Up, Please Do

Reading Time: 2 minutes When giving up feels better, it is not a failure. It is an instruction from your higher self-pointing the way to your success.

One of my favorite alt-spiritual quotes is from Frank Butterfield: “Give up early and often.” It might seem contradictory advice to creating what we want, but often it’s the magic that makes the difference.

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The Moment When Trump Supporters Lost Their Moral High Ground Defending Trump’s Private Life

Reading Time: 4 minutes The pseudo-moral outcry from the right that Trump’s marriage should be off-limits is insane. Trump handed over his moral supremacy long before that debate. However, on that night, when he created a moment in time that could only be made for TV, by marching those women into that debate hall, he took the moral high ground for defending him away from all his supporters. As they continue to beat that drum at best they look out of touch and hypocritical. At worst they seem unhinged and desperate.

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Seven Tips to Get Rid of Stress and Why You Should

Reading Time: 6 minutes Although, most people would say they want to have less stress in their lives, there’s a weird addictive quality that accompanies the way we live with stress. If there’s nothing stressing us out we can even feel bored and start scanning our environment for something to worry about.

Our culture approves and rewards us for having busy, stressful lives. Somehow there’s a notion that people who are super busy have more value in the world.

This, of course, is total BS. And, if you value your health, you would do well to question this thinking.

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No, Michelle Obama Isn’t Running for Office. However, She Still May Be the Most Relevant Woman in Politics

Reading Time: < 1 minute Michelle Obama took the stage at the United State of Women Summit last weekend and delivered an extremely vulnerable and powerful message. The media picked off the one thing we probably already knew – Michelle isn’t running for President. Former first lady Michelle Obama said Saturday that she isn’t interested in running for office, cautioning that “it doesn’t matter who runs” for the presidency until the U.S. becomes unified.

However, under that statement, Michelle Obama spent forty-plus minutes delivering truth and setting a stage for other women. This interview is worth listening to – every single minute of it. 

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My husband doesn’t want to have sex nearly as often as he used to. I initiate most of the time and often times he’s too tired or seems uninterested.

Reading Time: 3 minutes , I’d give him a break: Focus on giving yourself pleasure as you can, splurge on a new sex toy, create a ritual for masturbation or self-pleasure, and take charge of your solo-sex life so that you can focus on you without relying on him. “I’m sorry if you’ve felt pressure from me and I’m going to make an effort to pleasure myself this month”, might turn his attitude around. After all, May IS National Masturbation Month.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes Morning routines weren’t on my radar, and didn’t seem like something I would really do until the day I found out about Morning Pages {a stream of consciousness journaling}. Before I had started any morning routine, I’d normally find myself spaced out, tired, running around last minute, and not feeling very productive most mornings.

Now, I am entering most days from an intuitive, calm, aware, creative, and productive place. I feel excitement and hope to begin the rest of my day, and I am able to work from a much more centered and passionate place within myself.

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Why Royal Weddings Matter, Part 5 – A Whiter Shade of Pale: Meghan Markle and Bridal White

Reading Time: 3 minutes Vogue magazine, which thinks Meghan “demonstrates a growing sense of ease and confidence with her fashion choices for royal engagements,” advises the soon-to-be royal bride about her wedding gown choice: “You can’t go wrong with the classics.” (It sounds as if “wearing white” is merely assumed. We, along with the British monarchy, have indeed come a long way!)

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