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How to Raise Confident Kids: 6 Simple Tips

Reading Time: 3 minutes Confidence is a feeling… and we’ll feel confident when we think confident thoughts. 

For anyone… especially kids struggling to fit in among peers… learning confidence can be life-altering. We don’t have to deserve it, work for it, be worthy of it or achieve it. Instead, the way we learn it is to  be  it. Confidence is a state of mind that results from thinking confident thoughts and enjoying confident feelings.

As parents, we can help kids create a confident mindset they’ll benefit from all throughout their lives.

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Why Royal Weddings Matter – Special Edition: A Day of Gracious Gestures and Love Power: The Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Reading Time: 4 minutes This gleaming day also included lots of handholding, “a room full of happiness,” and fiery love prophets; a proud and teary, independent, free-spirited mother-of-the bride as well as the fragrance of white garden roses arranged in memory of the groom’s own unforgettable mother. Then there were those gentlemanly gestures in honor of the emerging modern woman and the legacy she represents. There is indeed something deeper brewing here and we are all invited to the love revolution!

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Want Superior Nutrition & Taste Too? Try Some Kale!

Reading Time: 6 minutes This leafy green gives you more nutritional value – with fewer calories – than just about any other food or vegetable!

It contains more than 45 different flavonoids – such as quercetin – which provide both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Because of this, eating your kale will do its part to help you limit the discomfort of chronic inflammations.

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Inquiring Minds Want to Know: The Ins and Out of Period Sex

Reading Time: 2 minutes My question is, Do you ever feel sexy or desiring of sex when you’re on your period? If yes, that’s a clue that it’s something you shouldn’t ignore, and I encourage to ask your safe and supporting partner what you just asked me: “I know that we usually abstain from sex when I’m bleeding but I’m wondering if you’d be comfortable fooling around with me when I am?”

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EXCLUSIVE: ​Stormy Daniels Gives Confluence Daily an In-Person 1 Question Interview (After She Took Off Her Clothes)

Reading Time: 7 minutes Trump is brash. He’s unpredictable. He’s dangerous. Donald Trump is the face of an abuser and for women who’ve been abused, his presidency is a daily reminder of that abuse. This is a man who bragged by saying, “grab ’em by the pussy” and was elected anyway.

Stormy Daniels didn’t say no in that five-star hotel room that night in 2006. However, at some point, she decided not to be his victim anymore and she’s been saying no ever since. This is a special kind of personal for Stormy Daniels. Her life is on full display in the headlines every single day. The history books won’t tell her story. The tabloids will. She’s paying a price for all of us most will never understand. I will die with a smile on my face if it’s a pornstar that takes this President down. As it’s playing out now it’s not hard to imagine that could happen. Karma can be a bitch.

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Royal Wedding Redux: The Real Legacy of Princess Diana – Why Royal Weddings Matter Part 7

Reading Time: 3 minutes As the world welcomes a new “princess” today, we are reminded of another celebrated royal wedding almost four decades ago. It was a landmark event broadcast in 74 countries and watched around the world by over 750 million people—including me and my pajama-party friends!

The moment Diana stepped out of that fairy-tale-inspired glass coach on her wedding morning with endless yards of silk train magically materializing with her—”like seeing a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis,” her gown designers wrote later—she had us hook, line and sinker. Princess Diana did not invent our fascination with royalty, nevertheless, her wedding ushered in a whole new ballgame—and the world was never quite the same.

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