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Model Feminist?

Reading Time: 5 minutes I’ve long had a contradictory relationship with the beauty industry. On one hand, I think physical beauty is meaningless, revealing nothing other than our genes, our talent with makeup, and/or the skill of our plastic surgeon. Having a fit body does require work, however, no amount of working out can give a person long legs. On the other hand, humans are hard-wired to respond to whatever beauty standard currently prevails (and beauty is cultural and dynamic, though the internet has made the standards more and more similar, if my brief exposure to last year’s Miss Universe pageant is any indication). But on yet another hand (work with me here), I can’t say I’m immune to such things, as a longtime admirer of the male form and subscriber to both Vogue and Elle. Which have excellent articles, but are mainly about pretty people in pretty clothes.

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Self Love And Your Settling Point – Your Life is a Compilation of What You Settle For

Reading Time: 3 minutes This is an inescapable truth. You get out of life, all of it, exactly what you are willing to settle for. No more, no less. Which is why understanding your settling point is so important. It’s not hard to figure out what it is because when you look around your life, you will see evidence of it in every area.

When it comes to relationships it’s particularly easy to spot, because other people reflect it for you. Your settling point will determine how rich and fulfilling your relationships are. They will determine how other people treat you. They will determine how much joy you experience or abuse you endure.

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Meera Vijayann – Find Your Voice Against Gender Violence

Reading Time: < 1 minute This talk begins with a personal story of sexual violence that may be difficult to listen to. But that’s the point, says citizen journalist Meera Vijayann: Speaking out on tough, taboo topics is the spark for change. Vijayann uses digital media to speak honestly about her experience of gender violence in her home country of India — and calls on others to speak out too.

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