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I Am Not Going to be Celebrating the 4th of July and Here’s Why

Reading Time: 5 minutes I don’t think it’s appropriate to celebrate a holiday based on a history that has separated children from parents from the inception of our nation and has thousands in custody now that will not be returned to their parents.

I don’t think it’s wise to dedicate a red, white, and blue barbeque to a commercialized notion of God and country when by doing so we’re continuing to sell the illusion that holds this hostile takeover together.

So, as we’re facing down Independence Day wondering how we’re going to get our independence back, maybe the first step is to stop pretending everything is just fine when things are not. Pretending is exactly what they want us to do because if things look like they always have maybe we’re fine enough not to want to demand our democracy back.

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4 Tips for Tiny Changes that Create Big Shifts When Everything Seems to Suck

Reading Time: 5 minutes When we’re in the dumps the big changes are very seductive. It can be easy to think it’s time for massive shifts and big upgrades. 

However, that’s not the way the system really works. Big changes are hard to make and they are even harder to sustain. Big changes often don’t include the kind of incremental upgrades that really create a life transformed. Big changes look really bright and shiny, but they often set us up to fail. So while I’ve been that girl that wanted to wake up tomorrow all different than I am today, I’ve learned from experience, that baby stepping it up to feeling better is a much more effective way to go. 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes Tonglen is an exceedingly simple meditative practice in which one visualizes taking in the suffering of oneself and others on the in-breath, and on the out-breath sending recognition, compassion, and relief. It involves being willing for those brief moments to “take on” the suffering of the world (or those specific people or groups that you have chosen to focus on) as you breath in, and then imagining that this suffering is being transmuted into goodness, love, compassion as you breath out, sending blessings and relief to those who are suffering.

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A White Person’s Guide to Doing the Right Thing When You Witness a Racist Shakedown

Reading Time: 4 minutes I recently talked to a lovely white woman who stood by quietly watching another white woman being very nasty with a black man who was walking his dog through their neighborhood. While she didn’t call the police she threatened to do just that.

This man was clearly shaken. He explained to her he lived in the neighborhood and he walked his dog there frequently. However, it escalated quickly when he wouldn’t provide her his address.

My friend stood there. She wanted to interject. She wanted to speak up, but she was terrified. However, she didn’t and the guilt was killing her. She actually crossed the street to get away from the drama and watch from a safe distance. She was seriously considering combing the neighborhood looking for this man so she could apologize – but she was afraid to do that too.

So, what is a white person to do when they witness a racist shakedown?
Crossing the street and staying silent is NOT the thing to do.

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When Kids Want Ideas, Hand Them a Dust Cloth

Reading Time: 3 minutes So, if you’re ever thinking this summer that you really “should” do more to keep your kids busy, you might want to think again. 

Encourage them to come up with their own ideas. If possible, you can provide the support when they ask for rides, money, supervision and supplies. 

They may balk at first, thinking it’s easier for Mom to do things for them. In the short run, that may be true. But by putting the ball in their court, you’re conveying your faith in their ability to create their own good time. You’re letting them know that you believe they can do it. And they can.

You’re also taking the pressure off yourself which is a good thing in itself.

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Good God Almighty, Kennedy Announces Retirement

Reading Time: 2 minutes The departure of the 81-year-old Kennedy has the potential to radically reshape the court on issues such as abortion and affirmative action.
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced on Wednesday that he will retire, unleashing an epic political battle to replace him that could allow President Donald Trump to shift the court to the right for a generation to come.

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