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Trump Pardons Rightwing Extremists with Militia Ties and It’s a Very Big Deal

Reading Time: 4 minutes The Hammond pardons tie our President to a group of people and ideology we should all be afraid of. We’ve known all along Trump’s words and attitudes have empowered the racist words and attitudes of others out of the shadows and into the light. Now, the group being empowered are the kinds of people who have blatantly disregarded the law and used arsenals of weapons to make their point and ideology public.

Every single day in this administration is a new day.
Every single day things happen we couldn’t have imagined possible.
These pardons may quietly be shuffled into the books in a news cycle that can’t keep up. However, it’s very possible that history will show this was one of the darkest days yet. Actions have consequences and the consequences for allying yourself with the most violent and extreme among us probably won’t be good.

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Why the Rescue of 13 Boys in Thailand Gave Us Something to Believe In

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Trump administration has just missed a deadline to reunite migrant children under the age of five with their parents. Watching those young people suffer while the president turned, and continues to turn, a blind eye and deaf ear perhaps gave the Thai story more resonance. We needed a happy ending for those young men, brown-skinned like the detained Central Americans, deprived of their parents for vastly different reasons, but still forced to face indescribable emotional and mental conditions without the loving care of the people to whom I presume they would turn for comfort.

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Blend In For What?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Blending in works when you are mixing colors but not for us humans.

We are uniquely created with awesomely rich and creative talents, that need to be put out into the world for others to benefit and enjoy. You are smart,  gorgeous and talented in a unique way. Go ahead and respond to that deep desire burning inside you that you have suppressed over the years, but without fail bubbles up to the surface from time to time. 

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In a Hauntingly Predictable Move Trump Does the Most Cowardly Thing to Date and Nominates Brett Kavanaugh

Reading Time: 3 minutes In his speech after the announcement of his nomination, Kavanaugh did say he feels the role of a judge is to adjudicate based on current law, not to make law. Based on the fact that his 2009 paper called on Congress to pass a law protecting a sitting President from prosecution, he acknowledged no such law exists. Maybe by that measure, Kavanaugh may not be the safe bet Trump believes he will be.

However, in a political climate where the Congressional Dems and about half the country are willing to lay down the gauntlet to prevent this nomination, that 2009 paper will either be the keys to the kingdom or the sword this man’s career will die on.

No one should be above the law – and there is no law that suggests otherwise. On that point, Kavanaugh got it right more than a decade ago. We can pray he remembers that should he take a seat on the Supreme Court.

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Slutwalk – The March You Should Take Your Teenagers To.

Reading Time: 2 minutes At a time when our reproductive freedoms are facing constant attacks, as our Obama-era workplace protections are being overturned, as queerness and transphobia becomes more visible and attacked by this administration and it’s supporters, consensual sexual expression should be celebrated and supported in any way possible. Come for the gathering of like-minded people of all ages, sizes, shapes, and abilities – some people bring their kids, and some folks bring their grandparents. Join us for resources and literature that can help us stay connected to advocacy groups that are sex-positive and radically progressive.

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Dear Angry White Woman: Four Things To Do Instead of Dialing 911

Reading Time: 4 minutes Let us be very clear on one central point here. People of color are at risk of being killed by the police at a much higher rate per capita than white people. That’s not an opinion. It’s a fact. The ONLY way a person of color can one hundred percent be assured they will not be shot by a cop is to not encounter one. Black and brown people know that.
Yes, dear angry white woman, when you decide to make your world right by forcing the cops into an encounter with a person of color, you are putting that person’s life at risk. While you might not have thought about that, now you know. So, before you dig your phone out of the nether regions of your purse to make that call, count to 1000 and get yourself in check.

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How to Spot a Lie

Reading Time: 4 minutes I always say you want to be in a relationship with someone who has one personality. They are awesome in private and in public. They are exactly who they say they are no matter what’s going on around them. We like to give people the benefit of the doubt. We don’t want to be “too picky”. However, if you want the love of your dreams, be uncompromising. Choose like your life, or at least the life of your dreams, depends on it because it does.


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