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Let’s Talk About Lack. Because We Must.

Reading Time: 3 minutes It is easier to think we are bad, than it is to feel our own ache and the ache of the world. 
It is easier to blame ourSelves than to risk living in instability (Which, guess what? We already do, even in the best of times.).

Yet that ache can be magic.

That ache is how we untangle from the pain. That ache is how we know how to take care of ourSelves. That ache is how we know how to care for others. That ache is how we actually make things better.

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Sextortion: This is My Email from a Creepy Internet Faker Demanding Money

Reading Time: 4 minutes The truth of the matter is, the vast majority of these sextortion shakedowns are nothing more than hot air threats – and when I say the vast majority, I mean seriously, almost all of them are complete bunk. As unsettling as they may be chances of anyone having a secret video of you doing something sexy are very slim. So, do not pay.

If for some reason you believe you might be at legitimate risk, report the incident to law enforcement and then do not pay. Paying a computer hacking stranger or a complete random faker is a good way to accomplish nothing more than them asking for more money. Paying, in general, makes this kind of fraud a profitable scam for people who prey on strangers online. If it doesn’t work they will stop trying.

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Learning to Bridge Human Difference 101 – Part 2

Reading Time: 4 minutes When you walk down the street, or you are at the mall, or when you watch TV and see a black female news anchor delivering the news next to her white male counterpart, remember, she makes less than two-thirds of that white man. Not because she is not good at her job, but because of the color of her skin and her gender.

What’s worse….. You have contributed to this by not speaking up against it and by not demanding transparency about such things where you work.

What are some baby steps, right where you are, that you can take, that will begin to even the playing field?

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Lauren Simmons: Meet NYSE’s Only Full-Time Female Trader

Reading Time: < 1 minute Working in an industry where you are one of very few women can be challenging enough — but imagine what it’s like to be the only woman on staff. That’s the case for New York Stock Exchange trader Lauren Simmons. The 23-year-old is an equity trader for Rosenblatt Securities, and she is both the youngest and the only full-time female employee to hold that position at the NYSE.

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How to Fix a Boring Relationship: Inquiring Reader Wants to Know

Reading Time: 3 minutes If all you have to talk about is dry cleaning and bills you should make it a priority to be doing or learning something interesting to bring to the table. The first step to fixing anything always starts with you. In this case, the fixing is fun. Basically, you probably need to be having more fun so you have some of that kind of energy to inject into your relationship.

Waiting for your relationship to relieve your boredom will never work. You have to be the spark that starts the fire.

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