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daily news source for women


3 Energy Cleansing Routines For the Busy Body

Reading Time: 3 minutes When things get busy or ‘life gets in the way’ the absolute bare minimum that must be done is what I call an Energy Purification or a General Cleanse. These are extremely simple, easy to incorporate and don’t take up time.

An Energy Cleanse aims to remove congested or dirty energy that has attached to our energy body during the day. This is a must for anyone that practices any kind of energy or alignment work. What the practice essentially does is it holds the fort while we have the chance to get back on track with our regular practices.  

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Make America Grate Again

Reading Time: 4 minutes Before the 2016 Presidential election, candidate Trump promoted his slogan to “Make America Great Again.”  His current demeanor of insulting individuals, alienating allies; and, supplicating himself to outlandish strongmen makes me rethink his slogan as “Make America Grate Again.”  For a man who never met an adverb he doesn’t adore, I “strongly” recommend this change.

I put my faith in our democratic ideals and the vast bedrock population across this country.  There is much to do in this experiment we call “democracy,” then again “democracy” isn’t for the faint of heart, just visit Arlington Cemetery.

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How to Care for Yourself if You Are Susceptible to Urinary Tract Infections & Yeast Infection

Reading Time: 3 minutes I recommend these holistic methods for dealing with bacterial vaginosis, yeasties, or general chafing from clothes or sex or hot weather: I use tea tree oil suppositories by the half or the full dose when I begin to feel a little ‘sting’ down there due to vaginal imbalance. I also just discovered MomotaroApotheca’s vaginal wellness salve and it’s already saved my vulva from some irritation a couple of times.

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In the Last Few Days, Trump Disrespected Chancellor Angela Merkel, PM Theresa May, and the Queen of England – But You Are More Powerful than They Are

Reading Time: 4 minutes Women are the largest voting block in this country – by enough to get beyond the margins of foreign election tampering. If there was ever a time to stop voting party lines and vote for our own interests, that time is now. If Trump can’t respect the most powerful women in the world, there is no reason to think he will respect any one of us.

In the end, though, the joke may be on him because individually and collectively, if we vote, each one of us is more powerful than the Queen of England, PM Theresa May, and Chancellor Merkel combined.

Start now. Make your plan to vote in November. It’s not too early to start getting ready. Ask for the day off work now if you need to. Double check your voter registration and eligibility status to make sure you haven’t been purged from the voter rolls. Get your ballot by mail of that’s an option. And if not, make a plan to get to the polls under marshal law if you have to – and I say that only partially kidding.

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Brian Benczkowski: 8 Things You Need to Know About the New Top Official at the DOJ

Reading Time: 2 minutes Does this signal serious trouble for the Special Council’s investigation?

Yes. It does. 

Is it the beginning of the end?

It’s hard to say. I’m sure the Republicans and the Trump Administration would like to think so. However, it’s likely the momentum of the investigation will make it nearly impossible to walk it all backward in any substantive way. The real litmus test of where we are will happen at the midterms in November because, at the end of the day, the will of the people still runs a democracy, assuming we still have one.

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How Cool of a White Person Are You?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Ok y’all. Lotsa racial shit happening causing divides. Let’s run with it! Maybe it will help to classify all you wypipo so you know how cool or fucked up you actually are in the eyes of a POC. We need all you cool white folks over here with us in the resistance on the winning side of the revolution. So let’s determine…..
“How Cool of a White Person Are You?”

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