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Reading Time: 4 minutes What about emotions and feelings that are unrelenting and unable to be resolved by hearing a positive outcome? The sadness of a broken heart, the grief of losing someone we love, the fear of what could happen next?

This is where we find a gift in being able to feel our feelings fully: When we sit with them, when we are able to be curious and non-judgmental about them, when we let them expand, when we give them space to exist, and when we acknowledge them.

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What’s Wrong with Having a Good Relationship With Russia? – Confluence Daily

Reading Time: 4 minutes The company a person keeps will tell you a lot about that person. Same goes for countries. That concept is what diplomacy is built on. As a nation, you ally yourself with other countries that share your values and vision for the future.

In theory, there would be nothing wrong with having a stronger relationship with Russia. The problem with that theory is Vladimir Putin.

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What a Hot Yoga Class Can Teach You About Business, Life and Touching Your Eyebrow With Your Foot

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you constantly pull back from the edge,
you’ll never find out what you’re capable of.
How often does this happen in life?

We feel the awkwardness of doing something different, the discomfort of a new diet/workout schedule/business commitment, and we pull back.

We find an excuse to retreat to ‘normal’.

We never find out how far we can go.

The best way to lean into your edge is first to be aware that it’s there.

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Teacher Crisis: Vice News Makes 8 Minutes of Video Well Worth Watching

Reading Time: < 1 minute Teachers in Oklahoma have been doing more with less for over a decade now: state funding for schools has decreased over 25 percent in the last 10 years, the state ranks dead last in teacher pay, and almost a quarter of its school districts transitioned to a four-day school week to save money on things like electricity and janitor hours. Earlier this year, 30,000 teachers walked out of their classrooms in an effort to change on that.

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Pansexuality: My Daughter Just Came Out But She’s Not Exactly Gay

Reading Time: 2 minutes More people who had previously self-labeled as bisexual are now updating that description to pansexual, after they realized that people donā€™t often fall into these rigid categories of gender-identity expression. Gender is influenced by chromosomes, organs, hormones, and socialization. Transgender people and those that we refer to as ā€œgender nonconformingā€ are just that; real people who categorically tend to get left out of our conversations about sex and culture when we only talk in typical terms ā€œmanā€ and ā€œwomanā€. Try to not get hung up on the words, it just means that your daughter likes people for who they are.

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