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Forgive or Get Out

Reading Time: 3 minutes Some things are unforgivable when you’re in it. Sometimes you have to get some time and space between yourself and the pain to get there. I lived in a marriage where my husband cheated. If it had been once, I might have gotten past that. However, it wasn’t one. For a very long time, I had neither courage to forgive or get out. I tried to forgive it. I tried everything. But it wasn’t until years after our divorce that I honestly did. While we were still together I hated him and myself. By the time it was over I had a lot of forgiving myself to do also.

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Brett Kavanaugh: Settled Law, Email Theft, and a Shaky Relationship with the Truth

Reading Time: 4 minutes When Judge Brett Kavanaugh met privately with Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) ahead of his confirmation hearings, the conservative nominee realized he was talking to one of only a handful of pro-choice Republicans in Congress. So, he said what he needed to say in one of the most important 1 on 1 meetings he would have in the confirmation process. Kavanaugh told Collins he sees the Roe v. Wade debate as “settled as a precedent of the court” and “settled law.”

“Settled law” seems pretty self-contained. It seemed to be a solid answer to the questions that swirl around Roe v. Wade and the future of abortion rights. However, it may not have been true. Last week a Kavanaugh memo surfaced from 2003 insisting that Roe shouldn’t be seen as settled law. Seems like Kavanaugh likes the words, “settled law”. It also seems like he uses them in different contexts depending on who he’s talking to.

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America’s Biggest Conspiracy Theory Is Real: The Racist Truth Behind the Myth of Voter Fraud

Reading Time: 7 minutes Like most conspiracy theories, until you read the facts, it all seems too crazy to be true.

It sounds as preposterous as the government poisoning black people in St. Louis with big fans. The U.S. vote suppression scheme seems as crazy as a four-decade medical experiment on black Alabama farmers. Saying that North Carolina Republicans prevent black people from voting is almost as ludicrous as announcing that the state had a Department of Eugenics to prevent black babies from being born, which is to say …

It is 100 percent real.

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Trending Tastes: Mediterranean-inspired cuisine

Reading Time: 2 minutes Just like forward-thinking culinary artists, many at-home chefs seek out the next trendy flavor to provide friends and family gathered around the table. When pondering which trend you’ll dive into in the future, consider incorporating tastes from an especially influential international location – the Mediterranean Sea region.

Considered by the experts at Les Dames d’Escoffier International (LDEI) in the organization’s 2018 Trends Report to be one of the most influential parts of the world on the American food scene, flavors from the Mediterranean Sea focus on a diet heavy on fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, seeds and nuts. Take this Hummus recipe, for example, which involves processing a host of beans, seeds and seasonings to create a light, smooth dip to serve with anything from vegetables to crackers.

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An Open Letter To The People Who Market To Fat People

Reading Time: 4 minutes I’m a fat woman. That means that I spend my whole life being a fat woman in a culture that HATES fat women. There is almost no moment in my life or day where I am allowed to forget that I am a fat woman. I do not, for example, dare to leave my house dressed in casual, comfy clothes (no matter how much my husband encourages me to do so) because is fat woman who isn’t put together is treated even worse than a fat woman who works hard to look acceptable.

Everything in our world is designed to tell me that I am unacceptable, that I need to change, that I am not and never will be acceptable. And you have no idea how many women who are starting weight loss businesses PM me out of the blue because they assume I am their ideal client. Fat = wants to lose weight.

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