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daily news source for women


I Don’t Care About Your Happy

Reading Time: 2 minutes In all that, there will be times of big, wild happy. 
And there will be sadness. Grief. Anger. Shame. 
There will be quiet. There will be stillness. There will be peace. 
There will be expansion. Contraction. Connection. Solitude.
There will be everything and happy doesn’t even begin to cover what is possible. 

And if we go for happy, we miss out. 

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Brett Kavanaugh May Very Well THINK He’s Telling the Truth and that Doesn’t Mean it Didn’t Happen

Reading Time: 2 minutes That Dr. Ford carried this trauma with her – carries it today – does not surprise me. It would surprise me if I had a female friend who didn’t carry similar trauma, really.

What deeply saddens me is that the trauma which has outlined her life for over 30 years is completely unmemorable to Judge Kavanaugh. And if he wasn’t the perpetrator, then it’s unmemorable to whoever that man was.

Because it was meaningless to him. And it was everything to her.

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Contractor Steals a Family’s Dreams of Home Ownership but You Can Help

Reading Time: 2 minutes This local contractor stole $25,000.00 from us leaving us with a total loss of $36,000.00. That is $25k to the contractor, $7k in closing cost, $3k of interest on the construction loan for over a year, and $1k for insurance on the vacant lot. We contacted several attorneys, reach out to the state and county for assistance and was not able to reach any resolution in recovering close to $40k we lose.

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My Partner Wants Me To Be More Vocal In Bed. As a Woman Who Usually Talks A Lot I’m Surprised this Makes me Uncomfortable.

Reading Time: 2 minutes  It doesn’t sound silly at all – even experienced sex workers sometimes feel awkward when vocalizing sexy-speak that’s been requested from men.  Partner sex shouldn’t always feel awkward, but new things or kinky requests can be stomach-turning if you aren’t sure how to address them. It’s up to you to determine if you’d like to dabble in dirty talk for your partner’s pleasure, because it’s healthy to make efforts for your partner, as long as it doesn’t cause you serious discomfort. I appreciate him asking for what he likes, now it’s your opportunity to be advantageous

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The MidLife Health and Wellness Summit

Reading Time: < 1 minute Midlife Lifestyle Coach Kwavi is hosting a Midlife summit to help Midlifers feel more empowered and become advocates for their health and wellness. She has invited me and 25 other experts to speak at this summit and cover topics like health, nutrition, sex, career, mindset, menopause, cosmetics, parenting and other issues that affect the Midlife woman.

You don’t want to miss this FREE Online Health and Wellness Summit created for Midlifers, those about to go into Midlife and Smart Millennials that want to be prepared for this next phase.

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