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We Need to Build a Bridge for Republican Women with a Welcoming Committee When They Cross.

Reading Time: 6 minutes At some point, it’s in our best interests to find a way to build a bridge for those women to leave the Republican party because the Republican party left them long ago and many of them are feeling that. They are feeling a lot right now because let me assure you, their trauma is just as traumatic as ours. Their abusers were just as abusive. Their rapists didn’t check their voter’s registration cards before their assaults began.

And when I say, “at some point”, I mean now. Right now is the time because saving them might just save our democracy.

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6 Ways To Find Yourself On A Spiritual Path

Reading Time: 5 minutes I’m in the spiritually based personal development business. I think a lot of people could transform their lives by taking a deeper dive into learning about spirituality. Reading the books, buying the stuff, spending time in the sphere of a teacher can be life transforming. However, the key is to find yourself in the teachings vs. trying to recreate yourself to be a knock off of a master.

When it comes to the depths of my soul, no one can be my guru but me.

The same rules apply to you. You are your own best guru. No one else can feel the stir of your heart. You aren’t going to find your fire in the pages of a book. It’s your life work to examine the DNA of your soul, then figure out who to sooth it and grow it on your unique journey to your specific brand of enlightenment.

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Republicans Split a Black College in Half in Extreme North Carolina Gerrymandering | NowThis

Reading Time: < 1 minute Republicans split a Black college in half to win elections in this state — but this type of gerrymandering isn’t anything new for the GOP.

Black students at HBCU North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (North Carolina A&T State University) are calling out Republicans’ aggressive gerrymandering that split their college in two. Republicans’ redistricting divided the black college to win elections. This form of GOP gerrymandering is not anything new or surprising in politics and the age of Donald Trump.

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Anti-Bullying is Anti-Effective

Reading Time: 3 minutes Just because something doesn’t work out the way we want it to, we don’t just give up. Only wimps give up. We just need to try harder, right? 

Harder… no.

Smarter… yes.

Putting an end to bullying is something we’ve been working on for decades. Most schools offer programs teaching kids how to be kind, respectful and inclusive; and parents are talking up these very topics at home too.

Still, our kids are surrounded by bully behavior on a daily basis.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Trump will be the keynote speaker at Friday’s event, which will also be attended by his former strategist, Steve Bannon. Other speakers include the founder of anti-Islam group ACT for America and former Trump strategist, Sebastian Gorka.

The anti-LGBTQ Family Research Council, labeled as a hate group by the SPLC, has hosted its annual summit since its inception in 2006.

“Values voters have waited eight years for a leader who puts America’s mission first and respects the values that made America into a great nation,” the council’s president Tony Perkins said in a statement reported by The Hill.

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My Boyfriend Cheated On Me and I’m More Curious than Angry

Reading Time: 4 minutes If a long-term relationship and marriage is a goal of yours, I suggest you invest in the quality of raw, sometimes uncomfortable discussion about your desires: do you like flirting with your barista? Do you and he want to send sexy pics to other consenting people or couples? Does he and you have freedom to look at sexually charged material on your own time, without having to report back to the other? My boyfriend and I feel comfortable bringing up our monogamish leanings; it helps us keep realistic about our very real desires, even if we don’t wish to act on them.

“Forever” is a lot longer than most people realize, especially when the new-relationship excitement is so strong; it seems like it will never fade. It’s time to reframe how we talk about our desires – and remember that being married by thirty could mean fifty years of time with your companion of choice.

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